Rogger's Food


Active member
Those of you that were at my house for the October meeting will recall I gave a demo of my fish voraciously attacking Rogger's Food. As you may or may not know Rogger's Food is not available in our area. Bill at Tanks A lot has gone through the trouble of contacting Rogger and researching this for us. If we can get a group buy together he can obtain it for us. It's $20 for a flatpack. Please note your interest here and/or talk to Bill. I use this food myself and the fish love it. Just check out the ingredients - all natural, no preservatives, phosphates etc. We will need about 6 people to get this going.

I believe there are 2 types. One is regular blend and the other has spirulina added. I recommend the latter. Never hurts to give your fish some veggies, which they'd get in the wild anyway (by eating herbivores) even if they are carnivores. My tangs love this food which provides the vegetable matter they need. My Blue Throat Trigger actually takes bites out of it.