Roll call / next meeting

im leaning more on the saturdy (21) any time then that sunday unless early or afternoonish on sunday. location i dont care anywhere is good for me cept my house.
I don't want to add personal input since I am trying to balance my schedule and nothing is certain.

Since strong suggestions haven't been given, I'd suggest Sat 21st, 1pm Fox and Hound. Nothing glamorous, but that is the price we pay as a new group till we have people willing/comfortable enough to volunteer their place, or till we figure out a good central location. (FYI, a California group always meets at Round Table Pizza and it has worked for them long term)
+1 although I cannot make it..Sat 21st sounds like the day ...Hopefully next time i can come...good suggestion since this is so new...In the future I would like to host ..
As I thought would happen, I can't make it. I'm in the middle of trying to get a house so things are in flux. You guys should still meet up, even if it is just a few of you :-D I'll post up later on on things you might want to talk about as far as club business is concerned.
well thats a bummer hope all is well and ya get a house. as the meeting goes i cant make it this job we doing is a ball buster and we are under the wire and if all goes well we finish up this saturday. kind of a downer month for our meeting schedule. thats okay though if we dont make it lets hold it for sure a weekend in June and not at the end of that month.
It looks like the list is a bit thin, but I still encourage people to meet up, even just casually. Can't let the momentum die!

Some things I'd like to discuss (or have discussed) would be:
1) meets at people's houses
2) any other group event in a few months like the aquarium?
3) workshop/discussions on fragging coral
4) workshop/discussions on tank STDs and how to deal with them and identify the problem (no doubt trades will start soon enough)
5) integrating with our LFSs.
6) Club advertisement.
I really think the workshop would be great since this to me is a helping community..
If anyone would like to suggest any group event destinations?
Most of the major LFS are on board to help us boost membership..we just need a poster..
USEMORE any luck with what I gave U?
If not I WILL make one and post @ LFS (Im sure it wont be as nice as one you could make but would help)..
I encourage anyone to still meet this sat...KEEP IT Going ..
WE will be coming to the next meeting..
I also have some suggestions about advertisement in the near future!!
I am really glad to see a more active local scene here, and I'd loved to get more involved in it. This one will be a no-go for me, since I work every Saturday... I have Sundays and Mondays off, FWIW.

In the future I'd be happy to offer up my shop for meetings... I have a retail glass art supply store with a large studio so there's plenty of space... I don't have the nicest tank in Albuquerque, but it's well established and gets lots of compliments... so at least we'd have something to look at :P
Thanks for the offer! I'm sure we'll take you up on it if you are still willing in the future :-D We've done a Sunday meet before. Since we are a small group, we are quite flexible to try and accommodated what we can right now.
the plan is 1pm, Fox and Hound off Jefferson. I honestly don't know who is going (in the past, 1/2 the people just appeared :-D)
if i can boost the speed of the help i may make it today. I will for sure try if not then send happy thoughts my way lol. hope to make it and see yall soon.