Romanian 750 gal reef tank

Now I use 4 x 250 W Coralvue reflectors burn with 14 K from Coralvue and 4 x 54 T5 actinics. MH burn 09am -03pm and Actinics 07am-10pm. The refugium light burning 10pm - 07am. MH (10K or14K ) and refugium are fantastic from SPS grow.
In closed systems such as our tanks, the suspension is circulated by water pumps around the tank. But heavy suspensions, floating in the middle and botton water level. Rarely are drawn owerflow over, they remained in the tank in various places untouched by the water pumps. To be sure they will not remain in the water I made that OF (photo) that drawn 70% of water in to the pipe's and only 30% over OF. Higher level of the internal pipe in OF is positioned 2-3 inches below the OF top. For this reason more water through in to the pipe than the comb. Pipe has slits cut in it just in the middle and the lower end has a plastic mesh to prevent their fish . Now I hope you can understand watching this video:

I apologize for bad English.
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This is totally RAD!!! I started looking around the web for information about keeping a reef without doing waterchanges. All my parms are at zero and I started wondering why i was waisting not only my time with water changes, but salt, and the worlds most precious resource... clean water.

Since you dont do water changes, I assume you add supplements. Is this correct? If so, would you mind sharing what sort of supplements you add and how often?

It took me a minute to figure out how the water was getting sucked up from the bottom of your overflow, but i think I understand it now. Is it simply based on the fact that the pipe is below your water level line, so the down pressure of the water is forcing it up the pipe? Thats ingenious dude! Did you design this on your own or did you take this design from somewhere?
Chlorine dosing are Mg, Sr (both dissolved in RO evaporation filling water tank)
Baking soda, vinegar and calcium separated by Balling.
OW was my idea came from my previous experience with other basins, and is my plasure to share with you.
Chlorine dosing are Mg, Sr (both dissolved in RO evaporation filling water tank)
Baking soda, vinegar and calcium separated by Balling.
OW was my idea came from my previous experience with other basins, and is my plasure to share with you.

What do u mean by "Chlorine dosing are Mg, Sr"? You dose ur tank with chlorine?

Also, what do you mean by "separated by Balling"? I assume the baking soda and vinegar are for ph? Is that correct? If so, you don't add anything for alk or anything for trace minerals or nutrients for the water?

Thanks for everything!
Sorry for the double post...

I didn't have much time when I made the previous post, but i did some reading after and the baking soda and vinegar make sense now. I am still confused what you ment by "Mg, Sr", "balling" and the idea of dosing chlorine. Thought chlorine what horible for a tank...

My Nitrates and Phosephates are both reading zero, but i know there are still some being produced due to a small amount of algae building up. Do you think it is still benificial to carbon (vinegar) dose even though i am reading zero? I'm thinking about just bumping up the cleaning crew slowly untill the algae balences out.

Thanks again,

Sorry, talk about Mg and Sr Chloride additivated in RO water (these two can be mixed) Separately Baking Soda and Ca Chloride are additive by Marine Magic dossing pump.
Baking soda is using for KH and vinegar keep NO3 around 5.
Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Sorry, talk about Mg and Sr Chloride additivated in RO water (these two can be mixed) Separately Baking Soda and Ca Chloride are additive by Marine Magic dossing pump.
Baking soda is using for KH and vinegar keep NO3 around 5.
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Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

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Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

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Thats an amazing tank. I believe most people dream of having a tank half as nice as this. Im just amazed by how easy others get coral to thrive especially the sps
Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

And more:

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Thanks Davidadelp, the increase is less than 14 k to 10 k and that no water changes in 4 years and I have no plans to do that. Draw attention to this because in many countries water became rare and expensive.
Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Romanian 750 gal reef tank - without water changes.

Because bad resolution I will replay.
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I saw Viorel reef tank.
He does not know how to take pictures! :) What you see in the pictures do not have much connection with reality. You go there, you look at the aquarium and do not want to go there ...! It is fascinating places!