Ronnies 180g peninsula!!!


New member
Hey RC whats up? This is my first RC build thread and i'm excited to share it with you all. I am a few step ahead of my posts and pics and decided to wait till now so updates wouldn't be months away! Im on RC everyday and have been lurking the site for a long time.

The other side of scape

Sorry i dont have any pics prior to this! Lots more pics, equipment list, and plans to come! Hope you enjoy!
I got a 55g acrylic tank and im in the process of putting in baffles now, should be a decent little sump!
Got the sump all finished, does it matter if the baffles are water tight? If its not water tight will both chambers evaporate?
Ups dropped me off an early x mas gift last night!

Going to run a 8x80w sunpower from I used to run mh/t5 combo on my old tank but cost of electricity, bulb replacement, heat, and i didnt want to have a canopy made my decision to run t5. Plus i have seen alot of t5 bulb combos the make corals pop so hard!


My bulb choice was 4x kz superblue 2x kz fiji purple 2x kz new generation.
I have a hippo and yellow tang i have had for a while, a pair of clowns unsure what kind, 5 lyretails, a bunch of nano gobies, and some more small fish. And possible last an emperor angle! This will be sps dominant tank!