Ronnies 180g peninsula!!!


This is a FTS as of today... the tank is starting to do very good, sps frags are showing some decent growth...
Like the rockwork. What kind of rock is it and did you peg it or use epoxy? Sorry if it was answered already. Looks great.
Pukani, reef saver, fiji, tonga branch free rock that i have no clue on! Its just a huge mix and thanks for the compliments!
Great job, looks awesome, love the rockwork. me too would like to know the process you used to stick them toghether.

I use yellow fiberglass driveway markers from lowes a long masonery bit (did not use the hammer on drill) after i got it close i started using jb waterweld (also from lowes) to get rocks to stay in the angles and exact positions i wanted them! Having some really heavy pieces lets you haves more rock off the bottom and up higher! My goal was to have lots of overhangs and places up high for those light hungry sticks!!!:thumbsup:
Thanks for the reply, I also have a 180 which will start setting it up real soon and I really like your set up. once again awesome reef tank.

Got a great monti digi from a local reefer, not sure on what kind? Also picked up a frag of bird of paradise and some zoas!
I use yellow fiberglass driveway markers from lowes a long masonery bit (did not use the hammer on drill) after i got it close i started using jb waterweld (also from lowes) to get rocks to stay in the angles and exact positions i wanted them! Having some really heavy pieces lets you haves more rock off the bottom and up higher! My goal was to have lots of overhangs and places up high for those light hungry sticks!!!:thumbsup:

ok so little lost on how you did the rock work? you drill holes in the rock and use the yellow marker things to hold the rocks in place and then use that jb waterweld to make them permanent? was the jb stuff the putty or a liquid thing?
ok so little lost on how you did the rock work? you drill holes in the rock and use the yellow marker things to hold the rocks in place and then use that jb waterweld to make them permanent? was the jb stuff the putty or a liquid thing?

Putty Nd I only used it when I wanted rocks to stay at a certain angle or position!