Yeah, it's called Chemiclean. For the moment I'm going to hold off on chemicals and quick fixes being that my tank is 5 months young. Although the cyano is an eyesore it really doesn't bother me because I have faith it will one day disappear. My corals are looking good, coloring and steadily growing albeit slow. I'm in the process of increasing the light because to my eye some of my corals are asking for more. If I hit the 1 year mark and there is still cyano I'll try something else. For now it's just my routine weekly waterchanges, and trying to keep the water clean. I've been there done that and I realized it's hard to fight these things so I don't bother. The brown snot is 90% gone or more which is great. Cyano will be next to follow. The wierd thing is I have never seen a spec of hair algae since the get go. I think I did get some of Eddie's monster bubble algae though, but fortunately it's sparse for now