Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

Just a rich rich color.....Thanks viejo!

New Schizo Sunset mille...

My Walt Disney Tenius AKA Rainbow Passion needs some coloring up. Polyps starting to glow. Color is coming back. This was one of the hardest hit by the AEFW. In 6 months it will be glowing like it was!

Indigo Tip AKA Jesus Stag...

Froggy still coloring up. Looks kind of pale...

Damons Special Blue tort/stag/whatever...

Upscales Microclados...
Montis moved from other tank. Looking better everyday. Blue base is very noticable now. Before it was trash...

Bananas x3...

Pink Tip Aussie...

Tyree Ice Fire....

Rovster's LE Shaggy Sunset, LOL!

This one was sold to me as green aspera. Think its an austera. Its definitely recovering from the AEFW still. Green base, yellow coralites, and polyps on the growth tips are BLUE!

Setosa continues to color. Getting darker now.....that's a good thing....
Dont know what the heck this is. Been with me for over a year. Hasn't done much. Can't bring myself to throw it away...

CB Purple planet aka purple passion....


Pink Lemonade on its deathbed....we'll see if it makes it.

OG Miyagi tort...

Steve Elias Stag...

Bennet Yellow Tort...
Last edited:
BC efflo 2.0...

PC Superman Table....:thumbsup:

Copps Hulk Mille....doesnt look like much now...

PC SunnyX sunset....Pics do not do this one justice. Its an eye catcher for sure. Puts my sunset to shame!

My Pacman, still recovering. Hasn't done much. Still yellow-ish:frog:

An abomination of an acro. Started as one thing, lost half of it, and totally morphed. Looks more interesting now. Used to look like my frogskin. Go figure...

Copps Blue tenius...

BC Purple Flamingo...
Christmas Mirabilis. Still recovering. Looks like new encrusting in only 2 weeks....:celeb3:

Palmers Blue Mille....

Damon's Echinata...

Damon's green table...

Capitata, which I destroyed all the branches and had to reglue them all after mounting....:deadhorse:

RC Poison Envy



Sunset Monti coming a long way from last pic....

Tricolor SLOWLY getting better....


Polletti Yellow Tip. No yellow tips yet....

OG UC Strawbery shortcake. Looks like garbage. Don't know if its getting better or not. We'll see....

Joe the Coral. This one has been through hell and was widdled down to a 1/4" nub. Recently that nub infested with algae hence all the putty. This one is starting to look decent. Still a long way to go, but I feel like this one is starting to take off a bit....Noticed a big improvement in color in the last week.....
Miami Orchid. REALLY browned out on me...

Copps Miyagi...

Tyree Blue Matrix....pic does no justice. This is one of the nicest of the frags I got....

Shades of Fall

Fosters Super Blue Tenius...

Damon's Pink Mille?????

Random red nub...."red table"

Sniper's BubbleGum Mille...

JF Fusion Flare Tenius...
Another shot of the Copps blue...

Another shot of poison envy...

Raptors Peace...

Sponge Bob...

My nem was just doing wierd stuff today....WTH are those colors?

Bleached out AV99 Orange crush...

Damon's Purple Tip...

I thought this was dead. Showed no sign of life. Threw it in a dark corner for a couple of months and voila!

King Midas....

Yellow Jawbreakers
A while back Marvin gave me literally a couple of polps of each. Truthfully it was a fragging gone wrong, but I glued those 2-3 polyps of each of these cyphastreas and just let them be. Its been a while but now I have a decent frag. Bling Bling + Red Cyphastrea...

Blue hornets recovering from near death, LOL!


Well that's it for now folks. One thing I didn't like coming back to LEDs about was how difficult it is to take pics. Under my halide it was just point and shoot. Please excuse the color tones. My radions were probably around 14K when I took these pics. They are straight out of the camera. Too many to photochop.....Hope you enjoy!
Forgot 2....
Oculus blue crush...

There's a pc rainbow in there but I guess I forgot to upload the pic. Until next time then...
Thanks. You can see that although the rocks are not totally clean yet, they are improving from the last set of pics. I attribute that to a greatly enhanced clean-up crew and the tank continuing to mature. The sand bed still looks dingy but I expect that will take the longest to clear up.

I was expecting an increase in Alk demand eventually but not so soon. In my experience whenever you mess with the tank, and glueing 20+ frags I consider messing with the tank, my observation has been that corals shut down for a few days and if you condinue dosing, Alk goes up. It has been the opposite. My Alk has been rock solid for the last 6 weeks. Ever since putting the frags in, its consistently dropped over the last 2 days. Not a lot, but enough that I had to reprogram my Apex this morning. Another thing that is also contributing is that my existing corals are all showing signs of improved health and growth, so those are also increasing consumption.

Previously I was dosing 5.5min 6 times a day with BRS supplements. This morning I changed it to 3.5min 12 times a day. I will also be dosing a bit manually to both bring it up and to help me figure things out. I normally test alk 3 times a week, but in periods where I'm dialing in I'll test once a day at least. Hopefully I can dial it in in the next 2 weeks. Love the programmability with the apex. I've been using 30 sec increments but its nice to know I can refine beyond that....although that would seem extreme!
Woah dude! You've been busy hoarding some choice acros! :beer: Cant wait to see these sexy sticks all grown up. :)
Me too! Got home today and saw everyone of them with great polyp extension including the ice fire:D. Looking forward to setting the cruise control on! Been a hectic last few months!!!!