Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

So far. It's not shaggy and may end up in the planter outside, but for now it's hanging in there. Actually all milles are still holding on. Not sure how long or if they recover. I do have a couple I would REALLY hope make it, including a metallic watermellon that was starting to look crazy before the crash.
Holy Sheet! So sorry Danny! I know you were working so hard to get the perfect tank. My condolences.

Thanks Mike. Going to miss my WD Tenius I got from you before it was popular. Here it is.....

Here it is in my 30 as it was coloring up. Don't have a good pic under led but the polyps glowed on this thing. You can kind of make it out in the pic at the very tips. This is under hadn't yet met it's full potential. In my large tank the base was just starting to glow and most of the polyps on the growth tips were super bright!

Here it is recovering from AEFW....
Sorry to hear the bad news Danny! Sometimes things are just beyond our control, especially when dealing with so many microscopic organisms/variables. I like to think that I have a good understanding of how the hobby works, but when I opened ReefBox, it quickly reminded me how much more there really is to learn. It's funny how different it is to run one home aquarium vs 8-9 aquariums at a store. You would think it would be the same exact process just in a much larger scale. That couldn't be any further from the truth. Now that the store has been open 4 months, I'm just starting to learn the personalities of each tank. Even thou I setup each system exactly the same, including filtration, uv etc., I'm quickly learning through observation and trial & error that each system is completely different. They each have there own ecological balance. Through time, I've learned which fish do better in specific tanks. I've learned that tank #2 yields the best results for my blue tangs, tank #3 has good success with triggers, tank #1 is most susceptible to micro algae blooms, tank #1 operates the hottest in comparison to all the other tanks, 2 fish have gotten Head/Lateral disease in tank #3 vs zero fish in all the other tanks, etc. etc..
The point is that no matter how many tanks we setup, they just all turn out to be somewhat different. Sometimes we have a clear answer why things went wrong, and sometimes we scratch our heads losing sleep at night trying to figure out what the heck happened. The most important thing is not to give up. Dust yourself off and keep pushing, learning, observing, and most importantly sharing your knowledge with others as you meticulous do on your thread :)
I'm sure you'll bounce back with a vengeance...
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Sorry to hear the bad news Danny! Sometimes things are just beyond our control, especially when dealing with so many microscopic organisms/variables. I like to think that I have a good understanding of how the hobby works, but when I opened ReefBox, it quickly reminded me how much more there really is to learn. It's funny how different it is to run one home aquarium vs 8-9 aquariums at a store. You would think it would be the same exact process just in a much larger scale. That couldn't be any further from the truth. Now that the store has been open 4 months, I'm just starting to learn the personalities of each tank. Even thou I setup each system exactly the same, including filtration, uv etc., I'm quickly learning through observation and trial & error that each system is completely different. They each have there own ecological balance. Through time, I've learned which fish do better in specific tanks. I've learned that tank #2 yields the best results for my blue tangs, tank #3 has good success with triggers, tank #1 is most susceptible to micro algae blooms, tank #1 operates the hottest in comparison to all the other tanks, 2 fish have gotten Head/Lateral disease in tank #3 vs zero fish in all the other tanks, etc. etc..
The point is that no matter how many tanks we setup, they just all turn out to be somewhat different. Sometimes we have a clear answer why things went wrong, and sometimes we scratch our heads losing sleep at night trying to figure out what the heck happened. The most important thing is not to give up. Dust yourself off and keep pushing, learning, observing, and most importantly sharing your knowledge with others as you meticulous do on your thread :)
I'm sure you'll bounce back with a vengeance...

Well said Giovanny.

BTW- Gotta drop by some day. to see your place
Last night i spoke to Rovi and encouraged him to do a HUGE waterchange. What do you guuys think. I think he is planning a 50% WC tonight.

I told him to keep holy trinity, and temp intact and go for it. What does he have to loose at this point.

Exports crap out that potentially caused this, and brings in new clean water.
I got about 100 gal on hand now (been working round the clock). My only problem I'd that due to the cold weather the water is taking some time to heat up. Water was like 65' in the garage. My 44 gallon brute is up to about 73' now but I doubt I'll be able to heat the other one in time to do a water change this evening. If it doesn't I will leave a mag pump running in one brute and the heater in another and hopefully by mid morning if can do a huge waterchange.

Tank looks ok but depressing. All sps that survived look like crap. My hammer with 35 heads looks like crap. My nem is looking better today. Zoas look pretty good actually. My entire CUC died so tank looks dirty but water I'd clear. My Copps blue tenius finally crapped out. A couple more look borderline but things have slowed down. My rics are also partially retracted. Fish are totally fine.

Thanks for the advice Eddie and DoggyDoc, and I appreciate the perspective Jovanny!

I'll keep you guys updated.
A 50% w/c is just fine providing the 3 big ones and temp etc are taken care of. I've done 60% w/c before without issues.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Mannnnn thats a nice tank, you need to stop killing stuff and grow that bad boy out...:hmm5::hmm5:

Happy BDay :celeb3:
So I did my huge waterchange. I feel really good about everything. I cleaned the tank up real good and it looks pretty darn good. My nem and rics are definitely happier. Polyp extension is slightly improved on SPS but nowhere as insane as before. My tricolor looks better and polyps are out. Only negative is that my alk went up 1dkh from the huge waterchange but considering all that awesome clean water I have to believe overall it's a positive thing. Got an avast porthole for my B-day so hopefully if things improve in the next couple of weeks I'll start posting some nicer top down pics.
Ok, so who wants 2 MONSTER sized blue-green chromis??? FREE!!

Hope the new year brings good progress for your reef.

Now regarding those Chromis...round these parts...its even hard to give away Chromis for FREE... :lol: I know cos I tried to give FOUR away recently. :D