Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

What kind of frag tank (SPS, lps, zoos, mixed)? Should be fine with that, especially if you want mixed frags. Might want to consider the wide lenses is your tank will be shallow. Will give you better coverage. No doubt they work. Can't say I've noticed any difference since adding the t5. When they're on, tank definitely looks filled out with light, but corals just keep getting better, but they were doing that before the t5 so hard to say.

One day Eddie will be a believer too. One day.....:p
What kind of frag tank (SPS, lps, zoos, mixed)? Should be fine with that, especially if you want mixed frags. Might want to consider the wide lenses is your tank will be shallow. Will give you better coverage. No doubt they work. Can't say I've noticed any difference since adding the t5. When they're on, tank definitely looks filled out with light, but corals just keep getting better, but they were doing that before the t5 so hard to say.

One day Eddie will be a believer too. One day.....:p

95% Sps (acropora specifically) and maybe the occasional Lps. I know you shared your graph and setting but can't seem the find that image. Any chance you can point me in the right direction
PM me your email and I'll shoot it over. I've changed it slightly. Honestly I think there is no "best" program. The best one is the one you stick to and don't mess with.

Some people have great success with just leaving it on 20K and or 14K and varying the intensity. I vary the color and keep the intensity full blast. That said, the bluer you get the less intense so it naturally works out.

My program is just something that makes sense to me. I am no self proclaimed expert, but whatever I'm doing seems to be working. Guess I'm lucky:dance:
Out of town for a week. Paleness was getting better and polyp extension was getting a ton better. I did have a pretty stressfull hiccup. I was fragging my tricolor and bonsai for a good friend and I totally destroyed my scape and wrecked a few corals. Some had to be relocated and I couldn't put it back together the way it was but it turned out ok. No serious damage but a few of my corals suffered a setback.

Things are looking good though. I've been struggling with dialing in my alk lately as it's been dropping a lot after months of being rock steady. I'm going to take that as a good problem because it probably reflects increase in growth.

If things look good when I get back from vacation I'll snap some pics for ya!
I've been trying to upload this video for over a month, I'm at Disney and I guess their wifi rocks so it finally downloaded. This video was pre rockslide and coral botchery-gate. Enjoy. Hopefully my tank looks ok tomorrow when I get home. Been away for a week! Gotta love the Mouse!

No black tang, more like an ***hole purple chromis that will be gone soon. Had him for 2 years now and he seems like he needs more room. I'm in the process of qt-ing a few more anthias so as soon as they're ready he'll be ready. He bothers my current anthias way too much. He got into it with "King" the other day and wound up with an open gash on his side. Serves him right!!!!
No black tang, more like an ***hole purple chromis that will be gone soon. Had him for 2 years now and he seems like he needs more room. I'm in the process of qt-ing a few more anthias so as soon as they're ready he'll be ready. He bothers my current anthias way too much. He got into it with "King" the other day and wound up with an open gash on his side. Serves him right!!!!
He's a big sucker...I had a purple chromis in my 40, removed him when he took a trip down the overflow!
Yeah he's huge and nesting in the sand. He's a cool fish for sure but he needs more breathing room, and I need more fish poop.

In more positive news, tank looks great. Glass was caked with algae and there was a good amount of cyano but corals look great and all have grown substantially. My GFO reactor sponge also clogged (first time weird) and dumped all the gfo into the sump. Biggest negative is that my alk plummeted despite increasing the dosing right before I left and having the tank sitter add extra 2-part. I was having trouble keeping it up before I left so I guess that was expected. Another plus is that PE continues to improve dramatically. Also some dormant pieces woke up. I'll see if I can nab some pics this weekend. I'm mixing water now for a large water change tomorrow....
I see you have a powder blue and yellow do fhey get along? I was thinking of adding the same combo to my 120dt
Borderline IMHO. The powder blue needs more room. They fight occasionally but the yellow knows his place. I added the powder blue first and he's the king of the tank! He's gorgeous but mine is huge so he really needs a 5-6' tank.
Yeah thats what I was thinking. My 120 is only 4'. I would like to put in 2 tangs, one being a yellow. Snorvich only recommends one in a 120, :(
My initial plan was a yellow and a kole. I think you'll be fine with that combo. I went for the powder blue because it came from an existing tank and was healthy, so I went for the gamble. Like I said its borderline, the fact that mine is so large is what's beginning to put it over the edge. A small one might be ok for quite a few years mine was a solid 4-5" from the start, maybe larger. My tank has a slightly bigger footprint than the 120 too.
I've had two tangs in a 120 with no issues, but I was careful to choose smaller species of tangs.

Stick with a Tomini Tang, (Ctenochaetus species and the smallest of the tangs at 5 inches max), and a smaller Zebrasoma tang, (purple, yellow, or Scopas...not a sailfin), and you'll be able to get two tangs in a 120.

Get them small and you'll do better.
Also tested my big 3 this morning, surprised despite my gfo reactor taking a dump phos was low:D

Rovi's big 3:

Alk 130 (working on it), WAS 122 when I got home, target is 145
NO3 2.5
Tank is looking great buddy.

How did you reduce the paleness in the corals? Which food helped most? My PO4 is around 0.01ppm now and many sps are quite pale. :(