New member
I actually made this post in another forum but thought it deserved to be here as well. Any comments or suggestions welcome. Tank looks really good overall but lately I've been struggling with some nutrient mini swings.
I've got or can get really quickly my alk/cal levels balanced and rock steady. I am still struggling with dialing in my nutrients. It seems as if it's been a delicate juggling act as of late.
For example my tank will start to run clean. Cyano appears and colors pale slightly. I compensate by reducing the gfo, upping the nitrate dosing and upping the feeding of fish and corals. Tank starts to look really good. Coral colors are rich and I back off the feeding and nitrate. Now it swings in the other direction. I might see some loss of luster, maybe some stn, some corals look burnt. Then I put the tank on a diet, increase gfo, halt the additives, then things will go through the sweet spot before swinging in the other direction once again and the cycle begins yet again.
I'm getting good at recognizing the upper and lower limits but I feel like there is a week or 2 latency period before the effects of what you are currently doing are realized. It's rather frustrating.
I have noticed that the swings are getting less extreme so in effect I'm working on dialing things in, but I'm having s hard time getting into any kind of long term rhythm. The alk part I've got down pat, it's the nutrient balancing that I feel is the key to taking my reef to the next level...
Couple of thoughts.
Add live phyto/pods and perhaps add some more cleanup crew, worms etc.
Add a few more fish so that when you lower your feedings you wont run too clean.
Also too much carbon might be causing the cyano if your phosphate or nitrate limited, which I'm sure you know this.
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