Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

Was taking pics of the turdcake today and snapped a few more....

Turdcake looking really nice....

Pink lemonade for reefsahoy.....:p

Aquaman's winterfresh acro with my punk*** chromis chill in'...

OT looking blue as blue can be.

Not sure if I've showed this one but it's getting nice. Wish it would branch though. Just grows long and thick:eek: Polletti yellow tip austera

Pearlberry looks like garbage...
Upscales micro with pacman in background...

Doing its thing...

Efflo and Superman...

Joes Rainbow and palmers blue...
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Thanks viejo, now if I could only figure out how to get my SPS to grow as fast as yours I'd have it all figured out;)

BTW, that lokani is looking decent and that Hawkins looks like it wants to start really growing finally. It's put down a decent base!
Is your Hawkins blue in colour or green? I've seen pics show both colours...and I've been trying to locate the blue looking version for many years in the UK...but havent found yet.
Well, to my colorblind eye it looks greenish blue, with definite blue tips. Not solid blue. I'll see if I Han get a pic for you this coming weekend. Still really small though. Started as a nub from Eddie, which I appreciated because it was a free tester frag lol!
Well, to my colorblind eye it looks greenish blue, with definite blue tips. Not solid blue. I'll see if I Han get a pic for you this coming weekend. Still really small though. Started as a nub from Eddie, which I appreciated because it was a free tester frag lol!

Yep its Blue
This pic was from a month ago. Again I'm colorblind so I see it as a greenish blue, not a bluish green if you catch what I mean. Eddie's colony (or mini as he calls it) definitely is darker. Mine is on the bottom. Only thing I've noticed is the tips getting a little bluer.

I'll try and snap a quick pic soon....
Not a ton of change but I snapped this pic today. You tell me what color you see lol!

Another frag I just got from Eddie....

Orange Crush...

Purple Plasma


BC HimHawer



Got a better pic of this today...

Overall things look so so. I just discovered my alk reagent was reading super low so I was driving up my alk thinking I was chasing increased consumption. Luckily it was very slow so most pieces are ok but some started to suffer. I'm glad I figured it out though. I shut off my dosers. It was hovering at 9.5 which is not good for my low nutrient carbon dosed tank! Hopefully in a month I'll be back on track!!
Looking good still. Greens and blues look good under the Radions. Can you post some pics of red acros?

I just noticed your rainbow monti looks same as mine...I don't know how to get mine coloured up...

Thanks for the Hawkins pics.
Is your Hawkins blue in colour or green? I've seen pics show both colours...and I've been trying to locate the blue looking version for many years in the UK...but havent found yet.

Ill take pics of mine tomorrow. Tired at the moment.
Thanks my montis are weird. The go through periods where they look awesome then go backwards. Right now they are backwards with some blue to the base but not totally. I have had them with bases fully blue and gorgeous but it's usually short lived.

I have this red table. Not super red....

I took a pic of my red planet but it's more of s light pink with some green to the base. Come to think of it I don't have many reds. My mirabilis is in recovery and my red robin got destroyed with this alk issue. I may lose that one unfortunately.
Looking great Rovster. Love the colors. Nice to see someone else still having great success with LEDs. Next time I'm in FL I might drop you a PM and see if I can swing by. :thumbsup:
You have a camera? It's really easy....really. These are all straight out of the camera. I bet they would be nicer if I shot in RAW and did some post processing, but I always worry that my colorblindness would make them look all wonky:wildone:

If you want to stop by one day I'll have you taking pics like this in 10 min. You can pay me in zoos, lol:D