Royal Exclusiv... how about a reactor?


In Memoriam
With all the great stuff RE has been coming out with, and the new Red Dragon mini line, it would seem that Royal could make a calcium reactor and kalk mixer. Just wondering if this was something ever considered.
Well, I didnt want to pester him if its something he had already considered and decided against. So thats why I thought I would make the suggestion in the form of a question.

But it would be a cool thing I thought. It would be a much easier sell, since skimmers are more 'magic' than most things. Maybe Klaus figures 'why bother' considering the many other brands out there which are up to the task. Me personally, if Deltec really does have a patent on that fluidized reactor thing, I dont see much any way that RE can make something better w/o that technology. I see some other makers using the 'recirculating' co2 concept that Schuran uses in its reactors..., ATB, etc. But if nothing else, it would seem people would like to buy a Calcium Reactor to match their BK skimmer. And maybe a kalk mixer (hey, there is something Klaus could put his touch on... a kalk mixer), or zeo reactor.

Anyways, just a thought.
Hi Hahn...

good idea... many Customers ask RE for build a Calzium-Reactor... we want wait on the new Mini DC-Pumps, so we can speedregulation the Pump. Inside the Pump is not a Impeller, we want using the new HastelloyC Meshweel, for very small Co2-bubbles...
The Calzium-reaktors are the similar Design how the Bubble Kings. Look the next Interzoo in Nürnberg/Germany...and visit Royal-Exclusiv..:D :D :D So i hope, we have new Toys for you...

best regards.. Klaus
Now THAT is an interesting idea. Chopping up the CO2 bubbles before they enter the reactor. You would increase the surface area and increase dissolution the of CO2. Seems like it would make for a very efficient use of CO2. This would be a great application for people with high alk demands.

Couple that with a mini DC pump, we need more info on this as well, and you should have a winner.

Does somebody have any info about if anybody has tried to meshwheel a Ca Rx pump before? If not you should definitely patent this process as it seems the German aquarium manufacturers are piling up on patents these days.
Interzoo 2008... hmm... maybe I should go to that. Cant think of any other excuses to go to Nürnberg though.

Applying an asperating pump to a reactor is something that may sound good and interesting... but were not talking more than a couple bubbles at any given time anyways... a regular impeller moves that plenty. A DC pump might be over the top... its not like you need speed control on a reactor pump. The cool running operation of the Red Dragons does make their use as a reactor pump attractive... although a high-flow, low wattage pump isnt as key here. A lower flow, higher pressure pump would be more like it. Perhaps a small DC pump, yes. But a needlewheel/threadwheel wont do much besides kill the pressure handling of the pump. There just isnt enough CO2 ever going through the pump that a regular impeller cant blend co2 very easily.

Something useful that would ge a good fit for the Red Dragons has to do with the anti-lime loop that you put on the skimmer pumps. The outlet in the volute of the pump for the anti-lime loop on a Red Dragon could also serve as a self-powered calcium reactor output. I love my Korallin for that exact reason... no need for a seperate dosing pump/aqualifter... the reactor is plumbed in such a way that it feeds itself. A Red Dragon pump would lend itself to that. And the smaller DC pumps would as well (more torque/pressure than AC pumps is possible, but with much less heat/calcium buildup in the pump).

Maybe RE could get around Deltec's patent on the fluidized media chamber by improving on it some way... like with a variable speed pump. Then again... like many claimed patents in this industry, I dont know that Deltec even really has a patent on it. Those are my two favorite reactors because of those two features (that, and with a 2" piece of airline, I can convert the Korallin to 'rejuvinate' like the schuran reactors so its just as efficient if not better).
Klaus, after two BK skimmers, I would be on the list for BK anything. The Deltec product is great until the pumps become nonfunctional, then it is not so great as Aquabee is not a great pump from a reliability standpoint.