Alpha 250 Tuning
Alpha 250 Tuning
Hi everyone,
I need some help figuring out how to properly tune my vertex alpha 250. Just for clarity, I must admit, that I know very little about the terms used with skimmers (especially in this thread) so my questions may be very elementary.
I have a 300 gallon mixed reef, heavily stocked and heavily fed tank. I'm a classic case of someone hiring someone else to set up the tank and now being clueless of the operations until the guy left the area and I found this forum.
Here's my problem, I cant dial in the skimmer very effectively. My skimmer cup fills up every day with this weak watery skimmate. When I see the pics of other peoples skimmate im a bit jealous because I feel mine is way too wet. When I turn the standpipe just a tad (maybe an 1/8th of an inch), my skimmer produces less and more thicker skimmate but it produces an extremely small amount. I went from emptying the cup everyday to emptying the cup once a week.
I feed my tank extremely heavy and would expect a quicker fill of my cup but it's not happening. I've read about all the nuances to proper operation of this skimmer, but am struggling with finding the sweet spot. Any ideas?
Here's what I've done after reading the advice here. My water level in the sump is 9.5". The white plastic thing (volute?) was closed and then opened two full turns. The valve thing (sorry not sure what the technical term is) is barely open. I've turned it in various positions but either I get overflowing skimmer, watery skimmate, slow filling skimmate or no skimmate.
Right now I'm getting one collection cup full every 6 to 7 days, but the neck is quickly coated with a thick gross sludge. If I dial it an eighth inch clockwise, I get a clean neck and watery skimmate. What am I doing wrong? Or is my skimmer under/over sized for my tank?