I hope rubberbands arent bad for octopuses. I feed him pieces of shrimp with chopsticks. The sticks have a small rubberband around the end so they grip the shrimp tight. Sometimes the octopus is able to get an arm around the chopsticks during feeding. I think he tries to eat the rubberband because when I finally get the chopsticks away from him the rubberband has some sticky saliva or something on it. He really doesnt want to give up the chopsticks. He used to let go if I started to bring him out of the water, but tonight he just hung on. He wasn't scared or stressed, if he was he could have just dropped down into the water. But he just hung on and chilled, and tried to eat the rubberband. Is it bad to touch him when he isnt in the water? Does his skin dry out? I had the biggest urge to poke his head, its so squishy... But anyways, are rubberbands bad for cephs? I dont think they are, he has been trying to eat one for a month and no harm yet.