Running 2 RO units on 1 line?


New member
Currently have an RO/DI unit, but want to add another just RO unit for a seperate 450gal FOWLR tank so burning through DI isnt really necessary without corals.

Anyway, can I simply just T off the line coming from the cold water pipe to feed a seperate RO unit or is this not enough pressure or other issues to feed 2 units?
Ian feeding two different RO units is not a problem IF you have correct pressure to both but why would you want to run 2 complete units when you could be more productive running 2 RO membranes on the same unit and then producing RODI for 2 different storage units ????? Think about it you will be more efficient with overall water usage and with DI over all will not have to worry at all about the pressure to 2 units....and as long as you flush the membranes correctly using best practices before you are producing water then you should be able to be more efficient in the overall with one unit using 2 RO membranes than with 2 individual units

now one thing to consider would be your overall starting water pressure it needs to be correct within respect no matter one membrane, two membranes, or one unit or two units
So you are saying you don't need to pass through the DI canister for FOWLR? Interesting. Like Matt said, I'd just beef up your current system. I would think 2 separate systems would be pretty inefficient. You could also consider a bypass valve for your DI canister, so when you make water for the FO, you just turn the valve.
Spectrapure sells their "max Cap" unit with one membrane as 90 GPD, or with a second membrane as 180 GPD. The only difference is the second membrane. I have the 2 membrane unit, and in my house, I needed a booster pump. You can "T" off after the RO, but you'd need a pressure tank (Spectrapure sells that, too. It's designed to feed your refrigerator with purified, but not DI water) or all water would take the path of least resistance and never go to your DI canister.