running program on RKL


New member
is there anyway i can setup up a program on an RKL so that when i feed 45 minutes later it starts up my siphon box pump for one minute, then 9 minutes later turns on my return, then 5 minutes later starts my skimmer?

trying to decide on a new controller, and being able to do something like this is a big decision point for me
I don't believe you would be able to do this on the RKL. If anyone else that reads this knows of a way to do so, please post here, but I believe you would have to go to the Neptune brand, such as the JR or Apex, to achieve this.
can the aquacontroller jr do this for sure? i just want to hit or select a run program option and be able to walk away from my tank. I would do the apex lite, but the jr is just a bit more in my price range, i'm only keeping this tank for another year, before i move to a new house and start the monster project
With the programming capability of the Neptune units you can get them to do pretty much anything you want. Programming this feature into it is very easy to do.
The Jr. will do it.

However the apex lite is a little more but when you upgrade to a monster project next year the Apex lite will handle that as well, vs the Jr can be a bit limiting.(12 outlets, 1 pH, 1 temp, and only 90 lines of code.)
If you're wanting something to hold you over just go with the Aquacontroller, Jr. You'll be very impressed with it's capabilities!