Sad day for my Tank


You are right its great to have this support. I wish I could jump the upgrade tomorrow :) anyone have a 300DD with stand and canopy for sale?

At the end of it. I really want to get to the bottom of what happened. Even is I have to send to triton. I want to protect myself as much as possible so it does not happen again.
Hey, just got back in town and read this. Really sorry to hear, if you need anything PM/call me. I have a cycled 55 running with nothing in it if you need some space to isolate.

I just found this on the city of Tampa Water department's page. It turns out they use Chlorine and Monochloramine all year round and have been using them for the past few years, at least. I am super surprised that this caused issues now. Just a thought.

Monochloramine main page

Monochloramine's effect on aquariums

Most recent water quality report

Quote from the site:

How can I remove chloramines from my water?

A water-conditioning agent or an activated carbon filter specifically designed to remove chloramines must be used according to product instructions. If you are already using one of these products to remove chlorine, it’s possible that the same product will also remove chloramines. However, you must read the product label to be sure. Your pet supplier should be able to provide any further guidance you may need.
If a water change was done recently - chloramines could still have been the issue. To occur so rapidly though is another story. If you've been polluting the tank with chloramines since you've had it up with water changes and top off and all - I would've expected the necrosis to take a few weeks to totally destroy the coral as the concentrations rose from the failing RO/DI.
Let me dig out my chloramine tester and ill get back to you tonight. The reason I stated that I was unsure of the tester is that at the time I was simply running the standard BRS carbon filters, not the ones specifically for chloramines. The tests said I had none coming from my filters but everything Ive read says my filters should have been exhausted or at least not sufficient to filter all the chloramine. That being said, if I tested before my RODI, it indicated high levels, I was having lots of "issues" with my tank and I was truly expecting the tests to confirm my suspicions of this element. When it didn't I became suspicious, again, Ive since changed to the specific carbon blocks from BRS. Ill get back to you after work.
Ted_C, Sorry was typing this out with 2 minutes on the clock to leave to work. On another note I must say FAOIS Rocks!!!! If I can figure out what caused this I am going with 300DD.

John, I might take you up on cycled tank offer to keep my Rasta Colony and Utter Choias as I really want to still keep them. I was going to petco to pick up a small tank to keep them in but I don't trust my water source.
Ted, I agree. That is why I am also going to test for cooper. I have had that colony of red dragon for over 2 year and it was 1 inch. I have had the loripes for over a year. (Dave correct me if I am wrong since I got it from you before your fox face ordeal). I replaced blocks every 3 -4 months. This is the longest I have ever gone.

I was going to set aside tank water for triton test but they recommend to get water fresh out of tank and into the provided container.

Thank you all for the support this really sucks and it helps to have others care just as much as I do.
A Red Dragon going is the most depressing thing on earth. I had one of my three start to go after it got knocked into the sand. I fragged it up to try and save it, and proceeded to watch each of the fifteen frags rtn :(
Yep, a very hard coral to save. I don't like fragging it in general, I just prefer for my blenny to knock chunks off. I thought i was good with a nice full frag rack, and that happened :(

I just read this. I wish I could help you out by selling you the frag back... Hell, I'd give it to you, but I am sorry to report that it lasted 3 days in my tank. It looked great the first day and by the second day, I could see signs of RTN. What caused it? I don't think it has anything to do with your issue, as I have yet to be able to keep some of the harder SPS corals.

I really wish I could keep these, but I guess they are not for every type of tank or reefer. At this point, I am giving up on these more delicate SPS corals. The best I can do is Moti.
Manny thanks Dave is going to give a very small left over a shoot. I really hope it comes back strong. So far I think I covered handing over all the corals I care for. At this point fish is the focus.

I will admit I thought would never see the day that anything make my corky finger unhappy.

Until now :)

All should I bother sending sample to triton?
I lost my Red Dragon colony a couple weeks as well. Same way too. Started with a little necrosis, fragged the affected parts off, keep doing that until my colony was just a bunch of frags and watched them all waste away on the frag rack. 2 days and the hole colony was gone. Luckily I have another colony that wasn't affected at all so it wasn't a total lose for me. Funny thing is the bases of the two Red Dragon colonies were literally within an inch of each other. Never did figure out what happened but didn't lose anything else.
Man this sucks so bad sorry to hear it. I know exactly what you are going through and just how bad it sucks. Unfortunately this is the reality of keeping SPS, it only takes one thing to go wrong and you can lose every acro in your system, meanwhile your softies and fish seem unaffected. Again, sorry to hear it GL on getting rebooted you will be back before you know it.