Sad day, my 2 female sea horses died


New member
Not sure what happened, water perameters are all normal.

I have contacted people at and i will be sending the ladies to a doctor in texas who will try ad determine what happened and what I can do to ensure that the males live.

I am watching closely, the boys seem fine. Strange day.
Sorry to hear about the horses. Ive seen your sea horse tank develop and to hear something like this just sucks.

Good Luck

I sorry to hear that. You are working so hard to make a good home for your horses! Hopefully your boys will be fine.
i'm sorry about your girls, the offer still stands if needed ;) pm me here or over on the over site for meds (anela). honestly, i've got plenty!

hopefully labdoc can find out what happened. i sent a male off to him last month and at least now i know what i'm battling with my girls. sometimes his news isn't good but at least you'll know and if it's treatable you'll be able to adequately treat your males.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss - it's so easy to get attached to these guys. I hope your boys will be okay!
I have LabDoc working on it... It may be some parasitic worm. He has slides and is growing bacteia cultures. We should know more in the next week or so.

I am out of town, until Wednesday. I hear the boys may not be eating as much as normal. I will have to watch them closely when I get home.
wardaddy - when you get the results back let us know what he found. depending on his results, you may need certain medications. i can highly recommend a marine vet in san diego as well who will give your horses a complete examination and help with meds. he looked at my horses saturday and has recently performed necroscopies of ingens that were found in san diego.