Safety Connector 6105.50 X Nanostream 6040


New member
Hi everybody,
I have two Nanostream 6040 pumps linked together with the Y cable 7090.300. One of the pumps is also linked to the safety connector 6105.50, so that I could run the pumps with a battery in case of power faillure. My problem is that things aren't happening as I expected, the pumps didn't run when power was out! I have the Safety connected hooked to an DSK 12V4.0Ah. Do I need to have Two safety connectors + battery, one set for each 6040? do I have to unlink the pumps? Is the battery the right one, if not which one should I use!
Please help!
Thank you!
If you disconnect the link cable, does the one pump work? If two pumps are linked, both need a back up, you can use 2 safety connector and they can share a battery. Also, the battery must have a charger to keep it charged unless you use a disposable battery, it is not charged by the pump. I would try the one pump alone in pulse mode to make sure the battery and safety connector work.