Safety Connector Need for UPS BackUp?

fraggin corals

New member
I am looking at purchasing a UPS (uninterrupted power source) for my 6040s and was wondering if I need the safety connectors since the pumps will plug directly into the UPS. Also wonder what the amperage of each 6040 is? If I go this route, will need to determine what rating ups to get.
The safety connector would be in place of a UPS, it is basically more efficient but a DIY solution. You would need a battery and charger but have the advantage of being able to change batteries and not converting DC to AC and back to DC as you will with a UPS. A 6040 uses 1A at 12V, so with the safety connector, a typical 8Ah SLA battery will run the pump at full power for 8 hours. This gets a little muddy with the UPS since it is putting out 120V and the power supply will step it down, due to inefficiencies it is not a linear 0.1A at 120V being stepped down to 12v 1A, but it won't take much to run it a long time.