Sailfin deep gouge


Active member
He's eating and swimming fine but this is the deepest gouge I've seen. The discoloration around it is also uncommon.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo CC48542A-7B30-44ED-A252-C26F0394A8E3_zpsiufyjti4.jpg"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 84729F84-C7CA-460E-97F3-8DA1D4A3E961_zpsb4fxwjax.jpg"></a>

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The location of the wound looks very much like a tang cut. When tangs fight the aling next to each other (facing opposite ways) and try to hit the other fish with their tail-razors. Most of the time they cant land a clear deep cut, but I have seen it happening. So the suspect is probably a tang that is slight smaller than it, since the wound is not on the head :).

Discoloration is probably is just chromatophores (color changing cells) reacting to the very close wound, either due to inflammation, swelling or maybe because the neurons near them are damaged or the connection is cut. Sailfins can get pretty dark if they want to and that part looks pretty close to that color. So that is why I think it is just a color change.
That does look a bit deep. My biggest concern would be some kind of bacterial infection. The more he eats the better off you are. I am always astonished with how fast fish heal from skirmishes with each other.

If you start suspecting an infection brewing then hospital tank with antibiotics.
Sure looks like a tail spike, other tangs may be smaller or less aggressive but it does not mean a tang won't strike if he was picking at them.
It should heal.
My tangs give as good as they get.
It'll heal and like others have said, it will impress the ladies.
Just watch out for infection.
ok.. he's healed up

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Now he's going to have a prison scar to show off! You can still see it when he turn facing right ... like a slightly indented ridge...