sailfin tang suffering


New member
So there is a petland near my house where I get most of my fishes foods and every time I go there I always see this little sailfin tang who just recently started suffering from fin rot, and of course the stores people are completely oblivious of whats happening. When I informed them they were like "oh it's no big deal he'll get over it" anyways I currently do not have an 180 gallon aquarium so I was wondering is there anything I could do to save it, because I feel so bad everytime I walk into that store watching him suffer
Well typically new fish are quarantined in much smaller tanks than 180g, more like 10-40g, so you could care for it if you feel "that" bad for it, just because it says a 180g tank is required, doesn't mean you couldn't nurse it back to health, perhaps ideally a larger tank would be optimal but is it better if the fish lives or suffers in a tiny LFS tank. I grew a Sailfin Tang in a 55g for several years then moved it to my 125g tank & it did just fine.
If your tank is over 100g the life you will give him is much better then the short life he will live at the store
Been there done that. Once you buy it they will order another one in.
I asked a guy at petco about discounting a obviously sick fish, and he laughed. They apparently would rather lose 100%