Salinity Reading Help!!

Jason Edwards

New member
Hello Everyone,
I am having a bit of a problem figuring out what the salinity of my tank is. My newer hydrometer reads 1.027 and my much older one reads 1.023. They are two different brands and I wonder if that would make a difference. What do you guys think. Please help. Thanks
If your hydrometer is the plastic type there can be a lot of variation between them. Mine was reading 1.023 and I took a sample of water to my LFS which had a refractometer and it (much to their surprise) read the same. I'd try to do that before spending the dough on a refractometer unless you really want to.
They are all sett to differing temperatures and because salinity is temperature dependant they can often give false readings.

Type in salinity correction factor or similar to google there are articles out there to assist
They are usually set to about 25 oC I think so if your tank is above that you may have to correct.
I would get a refractometer, it may seem like an stupid buy, but after switching from a hydrometer that was off by .005-.007 to a refractometer I never need to second guess again. I should mention the one I have is temperature compensated and was on 39 bucks. The flashing ones with a light and lord knows what else for much more just aren't worth it IMO.

For now if you want to keep the hydrometer find someone with a refractometer and see what your hydrometer is actually reading. So when you measure with it again, you'll actually know more or less where it's actually at.