Saltwater pond


New member
I just left Exotic Aquatic and noticed they turned the pond by the door into a saltwater pond.

Anyone ever consider doing an inside saltwater pond?
I'm trying to think of which store that is.. I know I've been there before but can't picture it.

What do they use for lights? From the sun by the windows?
they must have just converted it within the last few weeks, was still a koi pond last time i was in there. I like the idea but i dont think id ever do it unless there was like port holes on the side to see inside better.
Everytime I jump into my pool, I have the urge to build a pond the same size.. There was a thread about some guy in china who built one.. When I get on my desktop I will post the link...
Saltwater pond

Mr. Saltwatertank tv recently did an episode on a guy who is in the process of building a huge saltwater pond. Check it out.
Yes, ive thought about it. I will be trying one as soon as i have the space, lol. Id put more "top down" fish in there like cat sharks, rays, small reef fish like damsels and chromis, etc. Thought about it quite extensively actually. They used to have a big one at Beverlys Pet Center but they turned it into a freshwater pond.