Saltyreefs 120g build

So here's the tank in its full glory!! This is also the resting place for the big guy. The stand is 36" high, so that means no bending down to look inside. Lol! Also i still haven't built the door yet but to give you and idea, its going to be one big door held in place with magnets. I was thinking of making it with instead a wood panel maybe acrylic with a mosaic design. Kinda like the windows you see in a church.


So I found a flaw in my build. I didn't account for the overflow plumbing coming from under the tank. But a quick fix with a dremel should do the trick.


Will do...Let me get lights up on old canapy first :) But I do want to build a new canopy that is higher and with a flip top without the ugly holes so I can hide cables better :) Thanks for the offer :) You are doing a very nice job! Make sure to seed new tank with pods :)
Will do...Let me get lights up on old canapy first :) But I do want to build a new canopy that is higher and with a flip top without the ugly holes so I can hide cables better :) Thanks for the offer :) You are doing a very nice job! Make sure to seed new tank with pods :)
Thanks man! :) don't hesitate to ask.
Looking good

Thanks man! I wish you would of put that coral sale up at a later date. With the new build I don't want to risk any losses when the transition happens.
nice fish tank.

Thank you!

Here's an update. I was debating for quite a while wether I want to go with sand or bare bottom. I really like the look of having the sand and to a certain degree I think it's beneficial. Since 90% of my coral is sps and considering the amount of research I have done with going bare bottom, I decided that not only it is beneficial IMO but its also cheaper to go with the bare bottom. So I bought a 24" x 48" piece of starboard to use as my "substrate". I made all the cuts yesterday while I was filling the tank for the first time to check for leaks. So as the tank filled I was cutting and monitoring for leaks periodically as it filled. This is a picture of the dry fit of what it looks like after I made the cuts on the starboard. I was planning to silicone it down to a keep detritus from getting under the board with what I thought is reef safe silicone (home depot). Ge 2 silicone window and attic which says its 100% but research is showing it has bio seal in it which is a mold inhibitor. I buddy of mine has used it with no ill effects but I really don't want to find out the hard way since what can work for someone might not work for me. So today I will buy silicone from a pet store and use that instead.

Any tips or tricks on gluing starboard please let me know since it's my first time using it. Felix (nitroreef) has given me some pointers on gluing this bad boy, but the more info the better.


Perfect fit


Edit: Tank has been leveled and in its resting place. I did mock up some plumbing which I will post later on.
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I finally siliconed the starboard to the bottom of the glass yesterday and giving it time to cure. I Also painted the back glass with krylon fusion black spray paint. I had originally used limo tint to avoid painting the tank but the back wall was still visible and didnt like that. All plumbing is glued together, just not to the bulkheads. Herbie Drain set up. Now I'm making water for preparation to the tank transfer next weekend.

I had some rock cooking that I'm planning on using in the new tank. I made some structures using nylon threaded rods and nylon nuts to secure them together. I mocked them on the tank and although I like how it looks as is I will add some more rock.



