SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

And yes, this tub is temporary until I get the 268G display cut-away hopefully next weekend! The orange ratchet strap is taking some of the weight off of the top 2" bulkhead with the drain line and there are 2 bunge cords keeping that drain line in place on top of the bench.
Nice Sara, it always feels great when you stop a drip. BTW what are those pink, blue, orange and purple things hanging from the brackets behind the tub.

Well, this tub has held water on and off for like 3 years and wouldn't you know when it got filled with sand and saltwater that stupid bottom drain started to drip from the bottom of the bulkhead!!! That took 2 hours of messing around with new gaskets and actually flipping the bulkhead around on the tub and shaving off the tub a bit. We fill it back up with no leaks and then Gary leaves and 10 minutes later the brand new top 2" bulkhead decides to start dripping!!! By then it was 11:10 on Wednesday night so I drained the tub down and dropped in a powerhead and heater and called it a night. Ed helped me fix the top bulkhead on Wednesday then.

The orange is just the excess of the ratchet strap and the pink, purple and blue things are stuffed fish dog toys my picky dogs wanted nothing to do with so I hung them for decoration in my fishroom. :lol2:
Sara it seems if it wasn't for bad luck you would have no luck at all,the good news is when your good luck returns it will last a good long time. I admire your tenacity and sense of humor. Mike
So I've been busy yesterday and tonight.

Yesterday Ed came over and he/we replumbed the stack coming off of the Barracuda pump to feed the reactor manifold with 1" PVC and also feed the skimmer and refugium with a 2nd 1" PVC feed. We also pulled the Achilles as the buyer of him was finally able to come over and pick him up.

Tonight Gary and I tackled catching the remainder of the fish. I was able to catch 3 during lunch, but that left 9 fish, 2 shrimp and a cucumber left to remove. Typing this reminded me that the 2nd cucumber is still in the display...oops! Anyhow, we ended up removing all of the rock to catch the fish and this is what is left:


The plan for the next 2 days is to scrape the tank clean, empty the water and remove the sand so that I can have some friends over Saturday to move the tank out of the way for the drywall repair to start.
Nice progress Sara! So, once the tank and hole is fill will you be starting the set-up on the new tank?
Are you doing a build thread for the new tank Sarah or will you continue on with this thread?

I have not really thought about what I'll do ... maybe I'll rename the thread SaraB's Tanks, Try #??? :spin2:

Nice progress Sara! So, once the tank and hole is fill will you be starting the set-up on the new tank?

Thanks Brian! Yes, when the 268 is pullled away from the wall on Sunday, we'll also be bringing down the AGE tank from the garage so it's ready to plumb when the wall repairs are completed.

Hopefully it shouldn't take long as this new tank is pretty simplistic with 1 feed and 1 drain ... I'm not going to know what to do without an octopus plumbed in the back!!! :lmao:
Great progress Sara, your really moving along. Curious to see what you decide to do with the new tank...take a lotta pictures so I can live vicarously through you. Having a big white bin is depressing.
Exciting Sara!! I can't wait to see what you do with the AGA. Simple has been nice for my newish (18 months) tank. It really is easy smeasy to work with and there are very few things to go wrong or deal with. Uh Oh, I shouldn't tempt fate that way....but you get my drift :D.
Thanks Dan and Alicia!

I hear you on the simple part Alicia ... I'm looking forward to that day!

So a lot more progress was made this weekend with the new rimless tank and stand being moved to the basement today and also the 268 tank and stand is now out in the garage :) I didn't think all of that could be done, but we got the beast out of the basement!!! Thanks to Ed, Tom, Mike and my hubby!
The hubby and I were able to rebuild the wall this past week. My drywall guy will be coming next weekend to tape, mud and repaint.






I finally have a nice clean looking fishroom wall again with no plumbing octopus!
Will be nice having only 2 to 3 pipes running from the tank into the fish room,that last set up had PVC running every where I got dizzy just looking at it. Have you decided on what light your going to use on the new tank? My head is nearly ready to explode, I have been on so many threads looking into LED I would really like to stop my crazy electric bills! Mike
Will be nice having only 2 to 3 pipes running from the tank into the fish room,that last set up had PVC running every where I got dizzy just looking at it. Have you decided on what light your going to use on the new tank? My head is nearly ready to explode, I have been on so many threads looking into LED I would really like to stop my crazy electric bills! Mike

Thanks Mike! I got dizzy from hitting my head on those pipes when trying to work in the sump! I'm already enjoying the simplicity of the plumbing as you can see from the last picture.

I'm actually going with T-5's of all things as I'm not quite ready to jump into the LED craze just yet. Since my set-up is in a nice cool basement, I think I would also spend more money on electricity with 300W heaters running 24/7 as no heat comes off those LED's. I've got a new Sfiligoi Stealth 12x39W on order. I decided to go with the 3 foot fixture so that it didn't look like I had a cap on the tank. Now I just need to figure out a bulb combo to match my Radiums and VHO Actinics :spin2: I'm having a light rack built too to hold the fixture over the tank.