Coral Killer
I was hoping the 3rd time would be a charm. Sara will you have to redo the nice stand and sump with the new tank? Or is it going to fit in with the lay out you already have in the fish room? Mike
I was hoping the 3rd time would be the charm as well Mike! My husband is calling this new tank my "Death Row Tank" ... how nice of him :blown:
This new tank is 6" deeper, so I'm going to extend the back of the current stand another 6" into the fishroom and just move the current sump back a bit to fit and still be used. One surge is already gone since I'm using the feed-line on my new CA reactor and I've also plumbed the Deltec media reactors into it as well. The second surge will also come offline and will feed my external H&S Skimmer. I'm also removing the 75G Refugium off the new system.
I'm keeping the full finished display stand that you see in the pics and will place some marble or granite on the top of it around the soon to be exposed 21 inches on each of the left and right side of the new tank so that I can sit up there and work on the tank and not struggle on a ladder. Some drywall will have to be added to the opening on the back wall for the same 21 inches on each side and then that will be covered in matching stained oak to give it a built in look. I'm still thinking about the existing canopy and may see if it can be chopped off by 42 inches and then suspended from the ceiling to hide my lighting. The new tank is an AGE rimless, so I won't be putting this canopy on the top of this tank. The tank is also 1.5" shorter than my existing acrylic tank.
That's the current plan ... let me know if anyone has any suggestions! :hammer: