SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

I was hoping the 3rd time would be a charm. Sara will you have to redo the nice stand and sump with the new tank? Or is it going to fit in with the lay out you already have in the fish room? Mike

I was hoping the 3rd time would be the charm as well Mike! My husband is calling this new tank my "Death Row Tank" ... how nice of him :blown:

This new tank is 6" deeper, so I'm going to extend the back of the current stand another 6" into the fishroom and just move the current sump back a bit to fit and still be used. One surge is already gone since I'm using the feed-line on my new CA reactor and I've also plumbed the Deltec media reactors into it as well. The second surge will also come offline and will feed my external H&S Skimmer. I'm also removing the 75G Refugium off the new system.

I'm keeping the full finished display stand that you see in the pics and will place some marble or granite on the top of it around the soon to be exposed 21 inches on each of the left and right side of the new tank so that I can sit up there and work on the tank and not struggle on a ladder. Some drywall will have to be added to the opening on the back wall for the same 21 inches on each side and then that will be covered in matching stained oak to give it a built in look. I'm still thinking about the existing canopy and may see if it can be chopped off by 42 inches and then suspended from the ceiling to hide my lighting. The new tank is an AGE rimless, so I won't be putting this canopy on the top of this tank. The tank is also 1.5" shorter than my existing acrylic tank.

That's the current plan ... let me know if anyone has any suggestions! :hammer:
Here's a pic that Gary got of my cube a few weeks ago. I moved some SPS frags I had into the cube to see how they would do and to color back up.

The CA Reactor is really doing well for me as the SPS are growing like mad!

The cube is looking good Sara, glad to hear that the corals are doing well. Hope you guys had a great Christmas :beer:
Awe...Austin's tank. I can't wait to see what you are going to put in it Sara!! Merry Christmas!!

Thanks Chris, hope you had a Merry Christmas too!

For some reason Austin keeps suggesting angels for this new tank??? :fish2:

The cube is looking good Sara, glad to hear that the corals are doing well. Hope you guys had a great Christmas :beer:

Thanks Dan, hopefully in January we can start to destruct the 268G!
Had my plumbing experts over last night and took some measurements, made a list and I'll be checking my bin of plumbing parts tonight and shopping for what's missing. I think I have more pvc than most in my basement!!!

We'll be doing this tank swap in a 3 step process.

Step 1 starts this weekend with plumbing in a 100G rubbermaid tub in the fishroom into the system to hold my liverock and fish from the 268. The coral in the display will be moved into the frag tank. We'll also be taking off the last remaining surge and using its feed-line to now direct flow into the protein skimmer and the rest into the fuge since both of those are currently fed by a drain line from the display. Doing all of this will allow me to cut the flow to my 268 and take it down while the remaining system will run behind the scenes in the fishroom.

Wish us luck and I'll post some pics over the weekend.
Here's the 100G Rubbermaid that will sit on the stand behind it and will be plumbed into my system here shortly.


We will be feeding the tub with extending beyond the existing valve on the left and will be adding a wye to the drain from the frag tank and draining the tub into it.

The 100G tub was plumbed in last night and now I'm just waiting on a delivery of salt so I can fill it up and start it running!

Got one shot of Gary and Ed working on adding the wye to the exising drain line. Thanks to both of you for helping with my never ending projects!
