Saturday vs Sunday meetings

Saturday vs Sunday meetings

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One Happy Reefer
Hey guys and gals,

I need your input. Our last meeting was held on a Saturday. Which day would you, the club members like to have our meeting? Or mix it up to accommodate most members?
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I feel we should alternate between Sat & Sundays. Especially for those that have family obligations on Sundays. It gives them a chance to attend at least a Sat event every other month.
saturday & sunday both work for me but I would prefer an early meeting as we've had previously (i.e. 10am-2pm)
saturday & sunday both work for me but I would prefer an early meeting as we've had previously (i.e. 10am-2pm)

I prefer Saturday meetings, and I second the idea of making them early when ever possible.
Well Harry you work Saturdays so there is good example why we should not do Saturdays, did you vote Sunday,LOL
I also work Saturdays in the summers like alot of people do but I like Sundays better since its my day off. We should try Sunday at 1pm like we did at this past meeting and see if it might be better
Doesn't matter to me as of now. Once I get a more steady job(or decide to work more hours) then Saturdays might get tricky. I would think that Sunday would work best for most people.
Sundays .. Work best for me. Saturdays I dedicate to my family and wife :)

Sundays are my days to get w/c done, fish shopping, I go to the doctor :)
I have a conflict with our Sunday June 12 meeting at my office. I have been awarded the Father of the year award within my fraternity on that day. I will reschedule our June meeting for Sunday June 5 at 11 AM - 3 PM.

This date also works for Jarrett as he has a conflict on June 12
I work Saturday nights and Sunday nights but will do my best to accommodate our club into whichever day it might be.I'll move my life aroud to be shure I'm attending our meetings.
For me I just hate the traffic but it will not be fair for me to say just one day either day will work for me traffic or no traffic
I have a conflict with our Sunday June 12 meeting at my office. I have been awarded the Father of the year award within my fraternity on that day. I will reschedule our June meeting for Sunday June 5 at 11 AM - 3 PM.

This date also works for Jarrett as he has a conflict on June 12

Father of the year in your fraternity? I suppose a congratulations is in order even though I'm not sure what that means. LOL

I think Sunday is best too and more people would be able to attend on a Sunday.
since it seems to be split down the middle perhars it's best to alternate saturday and sunday that everyone will get a chance to go.