Saying Hello!


Save a fish; eat a burger
Premium Member
What a lonely little forum. :) I just wanted to say hi. I'm in the Monterey Salinas area. We have such a dirth of LFS, it's actually crossed my mind to start my own. :D Maybe if I sell espresso, too. ;)

I have some issues with Pets and Ponds, but Ben at Picture Perfect has the best selection in the area. I got my clowns at Pet Fun a year ago and they're still with me.

I've got tank pics in my gallery. I've just ordered some T5 lights to replace my PCs so I'm looking forward to getting my first SPS.

Sorry, I'm a little wired on pain medication. :eek1: Apparently, I'm just saying whatever pours out of my brain. Better stop or I'll be editing this tomorrow. ;)

debbie, its really good to have you in my should open your own storefront. yeah this is quite a lonely forum because nobody posts or doesnt know its here? im the one who started this monterey county forum, i have an sps dominant reef. nice to meet you debbie and start posting away on here, lets get the ball rolling....get in touch with me if you wanna chatt abit more.
Hi Debbie, I like the aquascaping you got in your tank. very cool and lots of caves for little critter to hide.

Hi to both of you! Actually, I just today got some new T5 lights - retrofits from ReefGeek to replace my PCs so I'm finally going to be able to have some SPS and a CLAM! Yay. :) Can't wait to hook these babies up tomorrow.

Thanks, Perry for the comments about the aquascaping. I have an awful lot of rock - about 145 lbs - but I wanted it to look open and inviting for my various critters. The clown cave is the local hangout of the tank, though. :D

I think I'll probably wind up removing at least one of the upper rocks and put it in the fuge when I get some SPS. I'm so looking forward.

Just as a general interest question, what other stores do you guys like? I really do like 6th ave aquarium in SF. Got most of my live rock there - some at Picture Perfect. Got my chromis at Brian's fish World in SJ, but I still like 6th Ave the best for the out of town LFSs. Has anyone been to the one in Mountain view? I've forgotten the name, but it's supposed to be really good. I tend to buy online though, and I've had really good luck - LiveAquaria mostly and Opinions?

Happy Friday!

Forget mountain view area. Best places to hit in south and east bay would be aquatic gallery, mermaid aquarium and dophine pet village. You can also try sun aquarium althought not a big store but their prices are very reasonable.

Did you paint your rocks pink or where they already covered with pink coralline when you bought it? You're good in turning it to pink. what is your secret recipe for making that pink coralline spread so quick?

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Ha! Pink pink pink. Actually, finally on the back corners I've got some nice dark green starting.

No, all my rocks were mostly - well, rock color - when I got them. Pretty gray. I was using a calcium reactor up until about a week ago. (I have a great dosing pump that doses Randy's 2 part, keep alk and ca where I want it and keeps the pH up - so the reactor was redundant.) My water parameters are always stable, I use Instant Ocean, RO. I was dosing Kents Essential Elements and strontium and melybdenum. Maybe that contributed.

I'll be happy to get some color in there besides pink. My snails are all pink, too.

That's all I see - pink pink pink. ;)
My rocks starting to get some red coralline. What I did was I send a few small rocks to my friend and he seed this rocks in his tank. After a month I took it back and place it my tank back in my tank. Now have purple and red coralline starting to spread.

What dosing pump are you using? And where did you get the media you use for 2 Randy's 2 part?

Hey what's up! Nice to see new people in here. Haven't been in here since last year. Nice to see you guys again... here's a free pic.
