Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

Very clever what you did with Ricordea!
I do not fear that it will wrong with the Clown fish. Unfortunately, the fish scraping the coral. Presses the soft tissue of the coral skeleton. The damaged and broken.
I had a Euphyllia glabrasens, so the clownfish was kil them... They have right an Anemone, I think.
My "old" Helio:

Hello Peter,

Phewwww Our Euphyllia was saved by the bell - Mr & Mrs Nemo finally discovered the anemone and have not moved out of it for over a week now. With an anemone finally in our system i just love seeing the clownfishes swimming back and forth into it. Your old europhylllia looked amazing with these colours. Will definitely "adopt" one if I find of a similar colour - This turns out to be an expensive hobby! :headwally:
Just read through your thread, and I love your tank! It looks awesome! I have one question for you, the hooks on the bottom of the front plate, did you make them yourself or buy them?

Hi Kimes,

Sorry for the late reply but have been hooked up with work. The carpenter who fixed the panel brought them and is a very practical and cheap item that you can buy nearly everywhere: its a towel hook turned up side down. Simple but yet efficient and cheap. If you go for this solution just make sure that the hook is metallic and of a good strength.

Warm regards,
Love the aquascape and the lack of visible plumbing, well done! I'll be using this as inspiration on my new 60"x60"x24"... this thread just changed my entire plumbing plan. :crazy1:

Thank you Izpecial for this wonderful feedback. I am very happy to see that some are making use of the ideas used in the built of our tank. This is the reason why I would like to be totally transparent. Whoever has seen the tank so far they love the invisible pumps and the ocean motion system. If you need any further help or clarification just drop me a line and would be happy to assist.

Warm regards,
Liking the new additions! Be careful with those red pimpled mushrooms. I started with a couple in my tank years ago and now I have hundreds. i keep them under control by cutting out 20 or 30 when I decide to stick my hands in my tank for some maintainence/rearranging. I would isolate them so they cannot spread.

Here are shots that show mushroom everywhere filling in the gaps. I do like them, but I have to keep a close eye on them.




Liking the new additions! Be careful with those red pimpled mushrooms. I started with a couple in my tank years ago and now I have hundreds. i keep them under control by cutting out 20 or 30 when I decide to stick my hands in my tank for some maintainence/rearranging. I would isolate them so they cannot spread.

Here are shots that show mushroom everywhere filling in the gaps. I do like them, but I have to keep a close eye on them.





Hello from Denmark,

First of all congratulations for a wonderful tank you got. I love the combination of corals and colours. Great work! Now that you are mentioning this week we found 2 sitting in some rock "cavities" and we didnt place them there... mmmmm... Do you think it might run out of proportion in the long run and if yes how do you suggest we should control them?

Thanks for replying to my thread and sharing this valuable info.

Warm regards,
It helps if you put them somewhere they are isolated by bottom sand like on one of your smaller islands. They will still let go and hope to blow over to another rock pile, but it slows them down.

As far a removal I just lift them up and cut them off as close to the base as possible with a razor blade. In the past I would stick a piece of live rock rubble or a small rock on/next to them and several would migrate a the new rock. I would then trade them in to the LFS for a store credit. Now I just cut them out and dispose of them.

In hind site I with I would not have introduced them in the first place. Just a lot of work to keep them under control. I have 4 or 5 varieties and they do add a lot of color though.
It helps if you put them somewhere they are isolated by bottom sand like on one of your smaller islands. They will still let go and hope to blow over to another rock pile, but it slows them down.

As far a removal I just lift them up and cut them off as close to the base as possible with a razor blade. In the past I would stick a piece of live rock rubble or a small rock on/next to them and several would migrate a the new rock. I would then trade them in to the LFS for a store credit. Now I just cut them out and dispose of them.

In hind site I with I would not have introduced them in the first place. Just a lot of work to keep them under control. I have 4 or 5 varieties and they do add a lot of color though.

Hello and thanks alot Adam for the really valuable inputs. I will start having a closer look into them and will be following your advise on reducing them.
Appreciate your time in replying to me

Best regards,
Dear Reef Central friends,

Now that the system starts having a character I decided to make a video for all of you that have been following my thread and get a better picture of how the tank looks like.

As a proud parent, I am looking forward receiving your comments :inlove:

To see the video simply click on below image. Enjoy!

Dear Reef Central friends,

Now that the system starts having a character I decided to make a video for all of you that have been following my thread and get a better picture of how the tank looks like.

As a proud parent, I am looking forward receiving your comments :inlove:

To see the video simply click on below image. Enjoy!

Dino, Absolutely beautiful!!!

I found your thread last night. Beautiful work! I'm setting up a small reef but I planned on a bonsai style aqua scape. You've provided a lot of inspiration.

Dear Reef Central friends,

Now that the system starts having a character I decided to make a video for all of you that have been following my thread and get a better picture of how the tank looks like.
As a proud parent, I am looking forward receiving your comments :inlove:
Hi Dino,
I enjoyed it more than a little ... :thumbsup: Sincere congratulations! I see the clown fish are also found in their home! Amazing color is the anemone! :eek2: