SCMAS Meeting June 21


Active member
SCMAS Meeting

When: Friday, June 21, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.
Where: IHOP, 1001 E 17th St, Santa Ana CA 92701-2546

Topic: Controlling temperature

The heat is on and this is the time when many people have a catastrophic event that makes them question if its worth it to continue.

Also, we will have Harry's Marine Life in the house to discuss our June 22nd field trip, exciting upcoming speakers, raffle items, and so much more!

Don't forget to bring your water samples to have them tested by Steve Garrett.

Also, be sure to get your raffle tickets for another amazing raffle! Grand prize is a Ecotech Vectra and you never know what else may make it in the raffle.
I have a couple of PC rainbow and a couple lime in the sky frags for $20 each if anyone is interested. Also, I have one frag of Walt Disney for $40.