SCMAS Meeting October 18th


Active member
SCMAS Meeting*

When: Friday, October 18, 2019*@ 7:00 p.m.
Where: IHOP, 1001 E 17th St, Santa Ana CA 92701-2546

Topic: Issues With Your Reef Tank?

Join us for a round table discussion where members will discuss issues they may be having with their reef tanks and what they can do to correct them.

Don't forget to bring your water samples to have them tested by Steve Garrett.*

Also, be sure to get your raffle tickets for another amazing raffle!
Topic: Issues With Your Reef Tank?

Still hair algae/ turf algae.

It's 100X better than a year ago but it's still an issue where it has taken hold on the rock even with 5X yellow tang, Scopas, vlamingi and clown tang I still have to actively remove it every week or two.
My algae problems

And under halide

My algae problems

And under halide


Are you taking about the burgundy colored algae? If so, I just learned to live with it. Nothing I did worked and I tried everything from snail-fish and even vodka dosing and found it just got worse when I did the vodka. Other then being an eye sore it never bothered my spa.
Are you taking about the burgundy colored algae? If so, I just learned to live with it. Nothing I did worked and I tried everything from snail-fish and even vodka dosing and found it just got worse when I did the vodka. Other then being an eye sore it never bothered my spa.

No, I was being factious. I had had a bad algae problem, this is about all that's left of it:

So, I did like everyone suggested and didn’t feed the tank for 4 days and I did still see algae where it was before but I don’t see my anthais. I started feeding again and now I see the anthia again.