They are 220v, and there is no 110v option. So they have a 220v plug and you need a 220v receptacle/circuit. No you cannot easily plug them right in to the Profilux power bar. Venotec has an adapter that you plug into the abyzz, a harness that then goes to the 0-10v connection that plugs into the L1-L4 port on the back of the Profilux. You cannot program the abyzz to shut off if a sensor is triggered, the Profilux doesn't have that programming capability. The GHL does have flow sensors you can plumb downstream from the pump to ensure you have a constant flow (Profilux will vary the 0-10v input to the pump).
So in short you can make a DC pump do fun things, just not shut off in the case of an emergency (sump too full, water on the floor, etc).