Premium Member
Scythanith - can you add the dates...nice progress shots.
Hey Scott, what is your current lighting arrangement. I believe Radion's and T5? Does it look like that in real life as opposed to camera capture? It looks really nice and exactly what I would like to achieve. I was thinking of adding T5's along with my Radions.
I have 3 GHL Mitras, 4x48" T5, 2 x 24" T5. Arranged like this:
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I use only blue spectrum T5's, and run a pretty full colour gamut with the LED's. The pictures look pretty spot on, aside from looking brighter overall in person. It also really depends on what time of day I try to take the shots.
In retrospect, I would plan to have T5's and LED's right off the hop. The T5's were an after though and in my system a necessity. If I did it from scratch I'd use 4 LED bodies and 8 x 36" long T5's (4 on each long side side).
Something along these lines.
Nov. 27, 2013
Mar. 05, 2014
Jun. 12, 2014
Oct. 14, 2014
Nov. 24, 2014
Apr. 26, 2015
Dec. 30, 2015
Mar, 15, 2017