SCUBA in Key West?


Active member
Im headed down to Key West for work on Monday and Tuesday and might have some spare time so was thinking of diving. I've never been diving in Key West but I've done plenty of diving/freediving in Key Largo.

Is it worth heading out in Key West? Or am I better off at the bar!
Time to spare as in??? After work? Or do you have a full day to spare? Well if u have a full day id take the katamaran out to the dry tortugas n scuba/snorkel out there. It's awesome. If not, the bars r the next best thing.
I'll have a morning. Would have to be back by about 2 or 3 for an afternoon meeting at 4.
Cutting it close. lol
Been to KW 40+ times over the years and I have never been on the water. We have dove just about every other area in the Keys except KW. Sorry I am no help unless you need a bar or restaurant recommendation. :-)
The KW reefs are not as nice as the ones your used to in Key Largo, but that being said I would skip the reef diving and go do a 2 tank dive on the Vandenberg instead
heading out tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I made the reservations today and nothing on the Vandenburg was available in the morning so Im doing Joe's Tug and a Reef - It was the only morning dive available and I'll be back by 1pm which is perfect.

Thanks all for the tips!