scubasteve's monti tank.


New member
well about a year ago i bought a 39 gallon tank and stand. its been a long year but i finally got to setting it up.

game plan.
2 coralife 150 HOB MH 12 k
2 24" t5's(1-uri super actinic, 1 giesmann actinic plus, 460nm)
bermuda 3c skimmer. (from eco reef)
po4 reactor
1/4 hp chiller, (overkill i know but i had it laying around)
around 60-70 lbs LR
28 lbs of treemans sand
ca reactor (pending)
controller (pending, looking at reef keeper elite/ aquatronica)
mag 18
custom sump/refugium (from eco reef with miracle mud)

so this is the status of it so far.



planning on chaning the live rock a bit.......

im planning on this being a species tank, specifically montiporas. i absolutely love them, there growth, colors, polyps etc.

so far ive acquired quite a collection
green spongoides
green cap
red cap
pink cap
purple cap
leng sy cap
german blue digi
pinkish digi
florescent reddish/pink digi.
green digi
purple digi
and growing fast :D

livestock list.
mysteri wrasse (not yet acquired)
radiant wrasse (not yet acquired)
yashia goby, with randals shrimp,
algea blenny,
midas blenny
2 true perculas
twinspot goby, (not yet acquired)
dwarf sea hare
30 mexican hermits
5 astrea snails, 5 margarita snails
8 nass. snails
1 brittle star, 1 serpent star

the tank is going together quickly now, i already have 1 of the coralife MH's, working on acquiring the second now. once i get the lights more pictures to come.
Wow if you do only monti, you NEEEEEEED to make sure to quarantine. I've had no issues with Montis from other people, but the only montis I keep are the expensive ones. Once you get Monti Nudis you've got to go and kill every last one under the coral, which is next to impossible, so I highly suggest going and either getting a small quarantine tank (a 10g or so would be fine with a biowheel) or just dipping and inspecting the hell out of ALLLLL new corals. Monti Nudis are no joking matter
BTW it'll definitely be awesome and worth it tho

I would focus mainly on Caps only for a while, as digitata tend to overgrow ALL over the dang place.

Good luck, and I can't wait to see pics!
yeah, ive seen many a monti eating nudi, nast buggers. i already set up the 10 gall qt tank, :) so thats ready and waiting for them.

you should see the frag on the german blue digi i bought from you i think a year ago, its bout the size of a baseball now.

but hey, i have no problem fragging stuff, eventually i want to have a frag tanks set up next to it.

thanks for the compliment!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12331212#post12331212 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
will that tank be overstocked?

well with a skimmer rated to 150 gallons, the miracle mud/ fuge. po4 reactor. and the large cleanup crew im not worried about that at all

heres a 20 gallon tank i have(yeah i know its really dirty, lol ive been spending all my time on the 40 lately


i have 10 hermits,
2 serpant stars,
5 astrea,
1 dwarf sea hare,
4 brittle stars,
4 nass snails.
2 percula clowns,
1 midas blenny,
1 yashia goby, with shrimp
1 red lip scooter
(most of these fish are going to be transfered over.

and i dont even have a skimmer on that tank. so im not worried about the 40
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12334699#post12334699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FleeVT
What kind/size of pump are you running with that Bermuda?

im running the whole system on a mag 18,

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12335446#post12335446 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cristina_j
wow this tank is so overstocked...aren't things stinging each other?

yes!!! lol that was the point of the larger tank but i decided to do a species tank, it wasnt "overstocked" and i still dont think it is. look at every tank of the month, all the corals are growing into eachother cause there so big.

but yes that colt is gonna get cut up big time, along with the true green nepthea behind it.

and the stuff in the sand, well it will have a lot more room when i take out the monti's
I wont be able to make it to the meeting, but I am available this weekend, Save me some good pieces. I will take some and I will probably have a friend or 2 take some as well. Let me know.
scubasteve, don't mean to divert your original thread but could explain to me how you're going to cut up your colt. I have one in my tank attached to a piece of rock and would like to remove it from the rock and reattach it on one of my pillars. Thanks.

well i know its late but i wanted to post it as soon as i got it,

heres one of the two 150w coralife HOBs that will be lighting the tank, its lit with a 20k, i think it was jbj or current. not sure it came with it.

and the other on the right is a 150 aqua medic bulb (thanks joe!!!!) lit with a 150w bulb. thought id use it just for a comparison.



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