Scuzy's new 210 Build

Scuzy's new 210 Build

great build


Here is my icp analysis




After massive 75% water change.


Guess it was the high nitrate that's causing the issues. Nitrates finally down to 5ppm from 75-50ppm before. Denitrator is kicking *** and nopox as well.

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two questions and a request, if you would be so kind to entertain when you get a chance kind sir.

1. why did you go with apex? looks like you have some GHL stuff going . . . trying to decide which camp.

2. any thoughts on the black sand? usually like to do BB, but the look of th black sand is most sexy.

could you give a quick run down of your current equipment and current methods, if its not oo much too ask...please and thank you.

two questions and a request, if you would be so kind to entertain when you get a chance kind sir.

1. why did you go with apex? looks like you have some GHL stuff going . . . trying to decide which camp.

2. any thoughts on the black sand? usually like to do BB, but the look of th black sand is most sexy.

could you give a quick run down of your current equipment and current methods, if its not oo much too ask...please and thank you.


I went with apex cause that was my previous controller and I was heavily created in all the modules. I didn't see the point of replacing everything to go ghl.

I love the black sand it makes everything pop.

I'll respond to the rear of the question later.

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Been thinking about how to redo my canopy since I'm going to add those aquatic life t5 to my mitras. Came up with this idea



Going with two 36" units.

Was thinking of doing it in 8020 but this also popped in my head to be cheaper since I will be building a crown mocking box around the yellow portion to hide all the power supplies.

Posted this



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My Walt Disney that I got from Tim is recovering after a superglue mishap.


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Scuzy's new 210 Build


one of my two 36" t5 hybrid powered on. Ready to add to my system when @JohnFlagg comes over to help me install the hanging posts tomorrow. Can't wait to see the difference with the additional t5s

Blue+ , coral +, purple +, blue + combo

Might switch it up depending how blue I want.

2x 36" aquatic life hybrid with 2x ghl mitras lx7 in each. Should be plenty of par.

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Last edited:

Thanks to John for helping me get these on. The hybrids are awesome getting a lot of par readings 550+ top midway 300-400 par and 125 on the bottom of my 30" deep tank.

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Nice! I have Tim's WD too. I dipped them too strong cause of red bugs took a while for the color to come back but it's super bright and nice now.

Had a few minutes added the moldings

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A week and a half and I notice a lot more polyp extensions and more alk uptake.

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