Thanks! Good to be back in the mix of things!Welcome back! My tank has the same 48" x 30" footprint, but mine is only 20" tall. I wish I had gone with 24" tall but the price almost doubled due to the thicker glass. Looking forward to seeing your tank full of water.
I've always been an SPS guy. My original plans for the setup was to do a fish/LPS tank. As the build started to progress, the SPS bug bit me SPS dominated tank it will be.What types of corals are you planning to keep?
Thanks! I'm running an Eflux 6011. It is rated a tad over 3000 gph. I already water tested the tank last week and it's more then enough. From the looks of it with the pump running at 100%, I'm guessing I'm probably pushing around 1000-1200 gph with all the 90's I have plumbed. I'll get a better number when I have the tank up and running.Plumbing looks done very well with a lot of thought in mind.
Will return pump be enough?
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Very nice aquascape.
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I've always been an SPS guy. My original plans for the setup was to do a fish/LPS tank. As the build started to progress, the SPS bug bit me SPS dominated tank it will be.
Thanks for the great suggestions Dan. I took several rough measurements of the peaks on the aquascape last night. I'm probably averaging around 4.5"-5.75" from the surface of the water depending on which peak (+/- .5"). It's really difficult to gauge even with a tape measure without water in the tank. I was originally shooting for around 7" from the surface of the water but it didn't quite work out that will fit how they want to fit plus I was going off the 24" tank height not considering the actually water level. It shouldn't be too hard for me to cut it down once I finally get it filled. I'm still deciding on going bare bottom or put in a sand bed. I have 7 bags of Arag-alive sitting in my garage that I got for a good price...still debating on whether I want it in the tank. I'm toying with the idea of having a secondary remote sump on the other side of the wall (garage) and putting the sand in that. I'm still waiting for some hardware to come in and hope to finalize everything over the next couple of weeks.Good answer!
Then I'll add this bit of advice: When I did my aquascape (which you can see here in my build thread from a few years ago), I completely underestimated how much of the aquascape becomes dominated by growing SPS corals in a few years. Thus I spent too much time thinking about the look of the aquascape as I was making it and not enough about what it would look like when it had lots of giant corals growing all over it. Thus what I really should have optimized for, which I didn't, was surface area to put SPS corals where there I could also drive a lot of flow. By this metric it looks to me like you've done a very good job as it looks like a lot of open space and a lot of surface area. It also looks to me like a good amount of rock. The only minor nitpick I might have is just that some of the rocks come decently close to the surface, and I think it could be annoying in a few years when some of your high PAR show pieces run out of upward room. I don't think it is the biggest deal in the world, but if it were me I'd have the top of the rocks be 1-2" lower than they are now. In the future when your corals start growing you are never going to want less vertical space for them to grow into.
Also on the topic of aquascape I'll broach a somewhat contentious topic, but for me at least the *biggest* mistake I made on my current SPS build was putting sand in the tank. Given enough flow it doesn't stay where you want it, it attracts detritus, is impossible/annoying to clean and gives safe harbor to things you don't want (dinos, cyano). It isn't a cut and dry issue, and there are "pros" to having sand, but when I made my tank I didn't even consider the idea of not having sand. I thought a sandless tank would look sterile and ugly, but once again I overlooked that given enough time, it will be covered in coralline algae and corals and actually looks awesome, and is much easier to maintain.
Thanks for the great suggestions Dan. I took several rough measurements of the peaks on the aquascape last night. I'm probably averaging around 4.5"-5.75" from the surface of the water depending on which peak (+/- .5"). It's really difficult to gauge even with a tape measure without water in the tank. I was originally shooting for around 7" from the surface of the water but it didn't quite work out that will fit how they want to fit plus I was going off the 24" tank height not considering the actually water level. It shouldn't be too hard for me to cut it down once I finally get it filled. I'm still deciding on going bare bottom or put in a sand bed. I have 7 bags of Arag-alive sitting in my garage that I got for a good price...still debating on whether I want it in the tank. I'm toying with the idea of having a secondary remote sump on the other side of the wall (garage) and putting the sand in that. I'm still waiting for some hardware to come in and hope to finalize everything over the next couple of weeks.
Does the exotic marine's overflow box has the same hole distant as the one from Synergy. I also have the same overflow and not happy with the sound that came from inner box and the salt creep from the lid of the out box. Are you going through the hassle of re-plumb the whole thing, what a pain.