sdietz2469's 300 DD build thread

It is actually going to be inwall/ extended wall. I am going to inset it in the wall far enough my overflows won't be seen from the side view.
Still waiting on the stand. Tryin to be patient, but this Thursday will be 3 weeks since I ordered my stand, and he hasn't even called me to come check the stand prior to powder coating, and I know it will b 3 days to powder coat...... Sorry just ranting right now. I will update as soon as I know something more.
Dang bud! You really have done a lot! Looks awesome! I can't wait to head out and help you fill that bad boy up.

Great build and I am excited to see this come to fruition!
I found out today the stand is at the powder coating place now! they should let me know pretty quick (hoping tomorrow or thursday so i can place the tank friday), i still think this is hopeful though, as i have the next 3 days off so what a better time for it to not be ready, lol.

anywho, got some goodies i have been collecting and got my holding system back in place that is holding all of my gems( a few choice corals that made the cut) and my few remaining fish from the 120.

sooooooo here we go more pics!!!!!!!!

my sump
atb med ext with airstar fed from a geo 410 bio pellet reactor reactor(currently nothing in it and am really continplaiting a 618 for each of the media reactors one for carbon, one for gfo and one for biopellets), atb 4300 feeding the manifold, tunze auto top off with an acrylic top off box.


here is my frag tank and light lack , the lighting over it is temporary so please dont mind the crude lighting hood.

oh and as you can see i got my tv hung and out of the way too



quarantine tank currently being used to cook batch two of my live rock(40 gal breeder)


aquarium plants co2 for calcium reactor


percision marine 620 kalk, geo 618(plan to upgrade to a 818 as i am not sure if this will handle a fully stocked 500 gal system) top off water bin( unsure if this will stay the same),


2-New vertex moceans 3500 cant wait to play with these. i am really wanting to get the tunze bracket, but also want there to be flow threw them from my returns


sand- i got 6-30lb bags of the tropic eden reef flakes and 2- 30lb bags of the tropic eden grand select, might have to add some more, might not as i dont like tons of sand, but i really didnt want to order any more until i saw it in the tank. my plan is to put down 4 bags of the reef flakes, then cover the entire thing with a thin layer of the grand select(a heavier and larger grade) and then again the last 2 bags of reef flakes ontop. i just really want the bigger stuff to settle out on higher flow areas so i dont get sand storms.




more pics and goodies to come.........
Nice - I'm getting ready to start my 250g DD build so I'm following yours closely. Luckily mine is going in the basement on a concrete floor so I'm not worried about support.

Keep the pics coming!
Nice - I'm getting ready to start my 250g DD build so I'm following yours closely. Luckily mine is going in the basement on a concrete floor so I'm not worried about support.

Keep the pics coming!

sweet hope everything goes off without a glitch, my next step was to build a room off the side of my house and pour a slab! the wife was almost more for that due to the fact we could have a bigger tank, but the money factor came in.

thanks for chiming in. more pics coming now!!!!!!!
So we have made huge progress, take a look!!!

got the stand in place and level 2x2 tubular steel 3/16 wall welded and powder coated




i added 3/4" plywood sealed with paint and primer. I cut holes so i could access the overflows.I did this cuz everyone i asked said the sank was exactly 6x3 and the THE TANK IS NOT 6' x3'!!!! it is 6' 1/8" strong by 3' 1/8" and my stand is exactly 6"x3' and i really didnt like the entire bottom rim of the tank not being supported. so hense the plywood. i also left the sheet of plywood 3" long in the back for setting food etc.


tacked some blocks on the bottom to hold the wood in place


my sphynx boris had to check and make sure the stand was ok for the tank


the tank arrived, it took all of us to carry it in so no pics, but it took a total of 8 of us due to the turnin on its side to get it threw the door. I tried to take some pics,of the tank before i cleaned them, but my pics didnt save for some reason, so here it is cleaned and the sand set in it to see if we had enough.


alot of people have asked if i was doing inwall, and the answer is no not really, here is a side shot, the last of the overflow will be covered with the trim and stand fascade.


got my star board(thanks prop-frags, this idea was and awesome one). siliconed it to the bottom. me and the wife had been working in the garage for a few days to come up with these two base structures. they have acrylic rods and are epoxied with Mr. stickys underwater epoxy(best stuff made hands down)


the vertex honestly didnt fit ont the trim of my tank, so instead of buyin the bigger bracket i killed two birds with one stone and mounted them on my overflow covers.


in the corner of the picture above you can see the acrylic pin i made to hold the cover in place as i dont want them to get knocked in the tank, so below that i siliconed in this piece so it locks the covers in place.

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I rinsed the sand little by little, to get it as clean as possible. total of 240lbs!!!!! a little more than i like, but i will probabbly move some to my frag tank little by little after it cures. also finished the rockwork untill i can find some i really like









unfortunately i have to wait a few days to fill it up all the way as i used all of my saltwater i had. I did a good water change out of my system i have running, and then added some new water.



I will update when i get it filled. again i am not adding this to my current system for a few months to allow it to cycle. i figure i will start lookin for my first fish as they need to go threw quarantine for a few weeks.

keep tuned in as everything is up and going
Updates are required!


sorry for the delay.........

Hi Shane,

How is it going? Did the tank fill with water okay? Where are you at in the cycle?


All is well things are super busy right now, so it has been hard to get on and post and upload pics, so i do apoligize. The tank filled with water just fine, I added some live cured rock and some dead rock' but i dont see any ammonia, nitrate or nitrite.

I added my first fish to the tank a pair of SA picasso perculas' and a pair of mccoskers wrasses, unfotunately i have not seen the female mccorskers since the day i dropped them in the tank. it has been a week since i put them in and i really hope she is just real shy. everybody is eating good and doing well other than that. the display is still running completely stand alone, my sump and frag tank are still on its own for atleast another month maybe 2. I am seeing copepod and anphiopods growing nicely on the glass and runnin about the tank. My next project is to start on the hood and light rack. i will keep you informed and try to take some good photos.

but for now a few pics. the rock work isnt quite done yet; i really need to find the right piece to go in the right place, and as you no tonga branch and haitain rock is pretty hard to come by. so without any more delays, here is a few pics.


mccoskers pair



male(i think) smaller on the bottom left side A


male side b bottom left


female side A


female side B

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here is a little update.

tank has been cycling now for 2 months and has a few fish in there. i am reading zero nitrates nitritres and ammonias even with a few small feedings in a day. I just put my vhos over the tank to get a small bloom of algae for the tailspot i got to chow down on, soon i will be turning the display onto the rest of my system(right now it is just running with a few tunze 6105s and a heater) the skimmer and sump are running with the frag tank completely offline from the display for now. I added a few more tank mates to the tank about 2 weeks apart.

here they are......
after we added the picasso's and the mccoskers wrasses(unfortunately the female mccoskers never came out and fed, we hope she might still be in there, but neither i or my wife have seen her)

we then added a tailspot blenny, a yasha hashi goby with a candied pistol shrimp companion


and a yellow watchman goby


then saturday me and my wife thought we would stop by the lfs and check out what they got in

a customer had brought in a mikes pistol shrimp and a randalls shrimp goby, so i swooped them up!!!


I have started on my light rack but dont want to post my progess till i have it the way i really like it, and i should be starting on the canopy pretty quick. i will post as i get more progression.

well be super busy. here is an update.

light rack still not where i want it, but i have the 300 online with my frag tank and skimmer now and have started moving over some corals and such. unfortunately i am not posting any pics until i get the tank completely acclimated to lights and have the corals where i like them. they are mad about adding all of the 300's water to it and am just not happy with the way they look.

I did get a few more fish to add to my tank. so here are some pics of them!!!!
a mated pair of japanese red pistols(female is full of eggs)



orange spot shrimp goby


with tiger pistol


rainfordi goby trio ( unfortunately only 2 ate, so we lost one)
