Sea Pen


New member
Any one have any experience with Sea Pens. I was looking at Eric Borneman's book Aquarium Corals. And it says that their really isn't much known about them and they don't come into the trade that often. The main things that i caught from reading about them is that they need a deep sand bed and have to be fed. Any help with these awesome looking creatures would be greatly appreciated. Ben
The only thing i know is that they need a very deep sand bed. A member named bang guy on another board has a lagoon and did a thread about one he bought on swf. It looked awesome and is doing well but like i said, he has a lagoon for it in his basement.
well i have the DSB and feeding phyto and such should be ok. I think i might try one but i am still going to do some more reading before i get one thanks everyone. If anyone else knows some stuff please post. Ben
DO sea pens light up at night ? Anyone got a pic of a sea pen that looks like fireworks set off in your tank ?

I am very interested in hearing more about this . Not that I want to get one , just very curious .
from what i have gattered about these animals is that some do and some don't. I think it all depends on what specis you get.
I had one, it looked cool for a while, but then began to die off after a few weeks. Even though I had a DSB at the time, it would not stand up. SO it was just laying on the sand. Also, very important, some of them become toxic when they begin to die. For about 3 months I could not get any corals to do well in the spot where the sea pen had been. I say avoid at all costs, which is different than the advice I had gotten from my LFS, "yeah, they are photosynthetic and easy to take care of, and not rare, I get them in all of the time." If I could take one swing at that guy. . .