Sea Shepherd sets its sights on the marine aquarium hobby

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I wondered if any of my fellow aquarists had read this article. It is written by Robert Witner, (aka Snorkel Bob). Those of us in the hobby have likely heard Snorkel Bob rant before about how he would love to see an end to the marine aquarium hobby. While some of the points made in this commentary are thought provoking many of the statistics Snorkel Bob quotes, I feel, are likely inaccurate.

Anyhow check it out:
I actually posted about this on the other thread - 'I am all for Sea Sheperd but I think he exaggerated a great deal. Yes there are people and corporations that hurt oceanlife because they mass-export and sell sea life, however more of the exported fish end up in chinese markets as a cheap meal than in aquariums. Thus following most of his article is untrue and irrelevant. In his defense many fish are raised in poor conditions and sold by the thousands to LFSs but this is the fault of the people and corporations who give no heed to life or decent buisiness when offered a quick buck.

Also in response to myaerica (Obviously whale hunting isin't illegal because If hunting whales was actually illegal sombody with some authority would do somthing about it.)
Whale hunting is illegal but short of the United Nations there is nobody with the authority to repremand Japan and I'm not entirely sure the UN could do anything even if the subject was brought to their collective attention (and it quite often is). So basically nobody has legal control in the international waters that japanese whalers occupy. Because of this the Sea Shepards have taken it upon themselves to stop this attrocious crime the fleet under the Nishun Maru has been comitting. Granted, the methods of Sea Shepard are extreme but the whalers will respond to nothing else." - Bottom line is, he was wrong. In reality we are raising awareness about conservation and the situation our oceans are in. Since I have started reefkeeping I'm much more concious and passionate about enviromental issues. I'm not a Hippy, Radical Enviromentalist, or (and I don't agree with this label) Ecoterrorist. I'm just very concerned. In the end, though his followers and many ill-informed people will now be opposed to aquariums and saltwater reefkeeping, it's just one guy's opinion, and all he really managed was to make us mad.
They are terrorists. They are very lucky that they have a country willing to go to bat for them( denmark) if they didn't they would be shot out of the water as pirates.
TAB - actually several countries go to bat for Sea Shepherd. Switzerland and Australia are several that have allowed Sea Shepherd the right to sail. Also, in certain instances even the United States has supported their cause. His Holiness the Dalai Lama also expressed his support for Sea Shepherd.

To call them terrorists I think is a little misleading but they have been known to sensationalize the facts for media attention. The article I posted I would say is an example of that. I actually personally know their executive director whom is a lovely person. I sent her a letter regarding this article that I will post below.

Highwind, as for consuming whale meat. That action represents one of the most ecologically irresponsible things a person could do. Folks with an attitude that they can consume anything they would like - even if it is endangered - our the very people our children and our children's children will be able to thank when we leave them a dead ocean


Kim McCoy, Captain Paul Watson and Mr. Witner,

Since the age of five I have been an aquarist. What started as a passion for native aquatic animals evolved into a passion for freshwater and marine ecosystems. I have been a marine aquarist for well over ten years. During that time period I have kept a variety of marine organisms, (fish, corals, and various invertebrates.) Luckily prudent research, preparation, planning and ecological management of my aquarium systems allowed me to have in excess of a 90% success rate with the vast majority of these animals. Those that did perish were often stricken with internal parasites or bacterial infections that could have occurred in the wild as easily as the home aquarium.

I understand any prudent conservationists concern with the marine aquarium hobby. The vast majority of marine aquarium fish are captured from the wild and often sold to individuals with little knowledge or experience in keeping them healthy. Often marine aquarium fish end up in aquariums that are far too small and terribly mismanaged. For over seven years I have written for various marine aquarium publications working with aquarists around the U.S. to help them understand the real needs of captive fish. In some cases I feel I have been successful in progressing aquarists knowledge of the aquarium hobby; other times a stubborn never say never attitude likely resulted in a fish's demise. All of my articles have had a conservation theme and incorporated my experience as a scuba diver and coral reef educator to create an overall picture for my readers; hopefully making them understand the necessity of responsibility when starting a marine aquarium.

I am a member of Sea Shepherd and have been a financial contributer to your campaigns for several years. SSCS work in putting a damper of illegal Japanese Whaling and Bluefine Tuna Fishing is second to none. I am first a conservationist, then an aquarist and finally a scuba diver "“ in that order. So you may find it shocking that I am in great disagreement with Robert Witner's commentary, "œThe Dark Hobby." I have followed Mr. Witner "“ also known as Snorkel Bob "“ for several years. For years he has called for an end to the marine aquarium hobby "“ largely due to the depletion of Yellow Tang populations around Hawaii. Mr. Witner is correct that many Yellow Tangs are collected from Hawaii for sale to marine aquarists. He is horribly incorrect when he says 90% of all marine fish die in their first captive year. Many if not most of the marine aquarists I know are immensely dedicated to the health of their animals and often ardent marine conservationists. They do not view marine fish or any marine life as a worthless commodity that can simply be exploited and depleted. Like anything else in life the marine aquarium hobby is a learning process. As aquarists grow and mature they often find a deep appreciation of ocean life.

The marine aquarium hobby has been the single best conservation tool I have ever employed. I have had the pleasure of introducing young people at local schools to scuba diving and ocean conservation through dynamic presentations. Though, it was when a reef aquarium was erected in one of the schools that their imaginations and love of oceanic life truly took flight. This is a valuable asset to home aquariums. Not every person can travel to see a reef in the wild. To appreciate ocean life and make that connection an aquarium may be the only way.

Mr. Witner I understand your concern and believe me "“ I have the same concerns. For years I have supported a far more responsible marine aquarium hobby. I have supported the idea of legislation that requires marine aquarium hobbyists to undergo courses on how to properly set-up and manage their aquariums before legally being able to purchase livestock. I have also supported legislation to totally ban certain species for sale that are simply too difficult to keep in captivity. Although the reality is simple. Marine aquarium's impact is pale in comparison to the impact left by commercial fishing, climate change and a host of other issues. I feel that SSCS and you personally Mr. Witner are putting the wrong enemy in your cross hairs.

When people stop eating non-sustainable fish, quit polluting our oceans and atmosphere, and elect to only use renewable methods of energy creation "“ then perhaps we can start dissecting the ins and outs of the aquarium hobby. Though, right now when there are far more important battles to fight; why waste the time or resources to attack the one potential drain on marine ecosystems that has a silver lining? Aquariums open the aquatic world up to people who otherwise would never experience it. This fosters a love of the ocean and environment. Perhaps by fighting marine aquariums you are really fighting against the oceans?

I have worked at a lfs for a few years now and i can agree with some of the stuff he says. 99% of the fish die in a year, i can believe that. i bet the wholesalers and collectors lose more fish than u and i can ever imagine. ive seen whole shippments(mainly during the winter) that come in dead or almost dead. I think the best way to fix this would be to start buy fish from tank raised facilities. you can get almost anything u want but its gunna be about twice the price but also twice the quality.
actually terrorist fits them very well. A small group of people that use violance or threat there of for political gains.

They fly demarks flag as thats where thier ships are registered. Which means they are subject to their laws as well as being protected by them. If they didn't fly a flag legally they would be pirates and could be shot out of the water. sooner or later they are going to lose the registry and will have to search for another country that is willing to deal with them.
TAB - I disagree with your statements. If SSCS are terrorists then the Japanese government are waging war. They are breaking an international law that the majority of Earth's governments, (The United Nations) passed. To say that they use violence is further misleading. Throwing stink bombs made of rotten butter and taking pictures of violent acts from a helicopter are hardly a display of violence. Plus in their 30 year history SSCS has never injured anyone nor has a member of their crew sustained major injury.

Funny, you seem to condemn SSCS but hope that if they didn't have a backing country willing to charter them that they would be, "shot out of the water." The Japanese rammed and sunk one of SSCS's vessels' - The Ady Gil - then refused to offer aid which breaks international maritime law.

Considering they have the support of one of Earth's greatest non-violent leaders - His Holiness the Dalai Lama - I hardly think you can call their methods violent. They tactically interrupt Japanese whaling though they maintain non-violence as they do it.

It is interesting that Wiki Leaks recently leaked a classified Japanese document - in this document the Japanese government quoted that SSCS was a "serious threat" to the future of all whaling activities.
so becuase its not "bad" acts of violance its ok?

They are not waging a war, Atleast not by any expected legal def.

Just to be clear about the law. You are legally allowed to defend yourself and your ship from attackers. People boarding ships, is technically a act of piracy. legally they could use deadly force to defend themselfs/ship.

At the very least they are practicing bad seamenship, which I'd bet that even demark has laws that says they would pull your capitons lic for that. They just turn a blind eye.
I hate to see a species go extinct as much as anyone else, especially something as noble as a whale species.

That being said, I really hope they don't cut it out of the show when one (or more) of those morons gets themselves killed.

The truth is that the whales the japanese are mainly hunting are not even endangered.

Sea Shepperd are eco-terrorists. For the record, attempting to disable a ship, especiallly in an environment as hostile as the antartic is a blatant attack, and is in fact quite violent. I personally think the Japanese should send a gunboat down there to sink the idiots, then rescue them, put them in the brig for a few months of bread and water and promptly try them in japan for piracy and throw them all in prison.
The most effective way to stop whale hunting (or shark finning, or plug anything here) is education. If there is demand for whale meat (or shark fins), there will be someone willing to kill them. But wasn't the other thread locked before because it was way off-topic? We are heading the same way here...
so becuase its not "bad" acts of violance its ok?

They are not waging a war, Atleast not by any expected legal def.

Just to be clear about the law. You are legally allowed to defend yourself and your ship from attackers. People boarding ships, is technically a act of piracy. legally they could use deadly force to defend themselfs/ship.

At the very least they are practicing bad seamenship, which I'd bet that even demark has laws that says they would pull your capitons lic for that. They just turn a blind eye.

Except if you watch the show the addy gil is out of gas just sitting dead in the water when the Japanese ship rams them and sinks them. They just leave the 3-4 guys in the freezing arctic waters. You should watch the show and maybe you will get an appreciation for what they do. I will admit some of the stuff they do is crazy, but some one has to stand up for what they believe in.

I can not believe anyone except the Japanese would call them Terrorists. They may stretch the truth a little bit, but the Japanese are not exactly truthful either like we harvest whales for research thats just plain BS. I believe sea Shepard only stretch the truth because they are so under funded and lacking resources that they need all the media attention they can get. If it was not for them I would still think no one was harvesting that many whales anymore. Sea Shepard's stand for a lot of good causes. I love this hobby, but there is a lot wrong with it. There are a lot of places that do nt use good techniques or stewardship when harvesting critters. Also there are a lot of critters that are harvested and just doomed to die in our tanks. We as the consumers need to send messages like not purchasing these things, buying tank raised(whenever possible) and supporting good harvesting techniques.

I can not believe anyone would eat whale meat. That is just wrong.
It's a TV show written, produced, and directed by a bunch of extremists, just exactly what viewpoint and message do you expect them to portray?

It's no different than watching AlJazeera and believing everything that they say as the gospel truth.

You and I may not want to eat whale meat, but that gives us absolutely zero right to tell the Japanese, Inuit, Icelandics, Norwegians, or anyone else, that they can't eat it. That is what's just wrong - attempting to force your morales and cultures on someone else.
I am a marine conservationist. I would love to see whale hunting banned and it enforced by DDGs. I would love to see commercially unsustainable species put off limits. I would love to see non selective fishing methods banned. I would love to see damaged fisheries closed for a century.

I am also a career naval officer. What the Sea Shepards are doing on the high seas is profoundly dangerous and illegal. They have no authority to do it, and their methods are irresponsible and smack more of self indulgent thrill seeking rather than actual conservation. I bet none of the guys we see on TV have the attention span for an actual scientific study that doesn't give them an adrenaline rush.

mscarpena, with all due respect you are wrong. I have plied the worlds oceans and and the most busy straits and channels and the events surrounding the ramming of the Sea Shepard's vessel are clearly their own fault and display a nonchalant attitude towards international maritime law (the same law they claim they are trying to defend, hypocrites) and an inexcusable disrespect for human life. Every mariner has a responsibility to do everything possible to avoid creating a potentially dangerous situation when underway, and in open oceanic waters that means there is no reason for them to anywhere within a dozen miles of another vessel without the others express consent and negotiated and agreed upon intentions from both sides. Anything less is just creating a danger for no legal reason.

There are countless better ways to achieve conservation goals that don't involve stroking their own egos with TV sensationalism that in the end just satisfies a viewers blood sportesque entertainment needs instead of awakening a respect for marine environments.
Some of you speak of whaling being against international law. You really need to do your research. It's not against the law. There are international "treaties," not laws, that control whaling. Japan is a voluntary signature of those treaties. Japan has the right to remove themselves from said treaties. As much as we may not like the idea of whaling, Japan is within their rights, according to the treaties that they have signed. IF, there weren't treaties, or if Japan decided to NOT be a signature of those treaties, they would continue whaling, and still be within their rights.
Exactly, Returnofsid. In addition, Watson and Sea Shepard were attacking whaling ships long before the IWC moratorium, so it's pretty clear that the claim of upholding the law is nothing more than a convenient excuse. The IWC officially condemned their actions as far back as 1994 and Paul Watson has been banned from the IWC meetings for almost 25 years now.

As far as being a terrorist, the governments of at least 6 countries, including the US and Canada have called Paul Watson and members of Sea Shepard terrorists. He's bombed ships, doused police dinghies with gas and tried to light them on fire, intentionally rammed ships, and even made modifications to his vessels to do the most damage possible when he rams others. He takes credit for sinking 10 fishing and whaling vessels.
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