Sea Shepherd sets its sights on the marine aquarium hobby

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Anyone with any conception of ocean ecology is aware of whale species importance to ocean ecology and diversity. Any marine biologist cites oceanic species diversity as one of the most important factors to coral reef and overall oceanic health. Humpback whales, (whales which the Japanese have started killing each year) have jumped from the endangered to threatened species list time and time again. When the IWC, (a branch of the U.N.) was founded research was done and it was found that any form of whaling put way too much stress on whale populations and also that whale populations were ecologically important to oceanic health.

Here is a history lesson. In 1986 the IWC was formed as a branch of the United Nations World Charter for Nature. Japan refused to join the U.N. due to the whaling moratorium imposed by the IWC. The U.S. wanted Japan's involvement in the IWC. They told Japan that if they ceased all whaling activities they could fish in our Alaskan protected heritage zone. Japan agreed under these terms. They fished the Alaskan heritage zone with such impunity that it caused an uproar from native Alaskan fishing companies/towns. The U.S. Coast Guard told Japan to exit those waters or face deadly force from our Coast Guard and Navy.

This ushered in the era of Japanese Scientific Whaling Research. Utilizing a loop hole in international law the Japanese started killing whales again. Oddly enough the U.S., Canada and Australia proved that the research the Japanese claimed to do could be done without killing whales. Furthermore, the whales killed were processed and packaged into whale meat before the whaling ships docked in harbor back in Japan.

The Japanese are sailing into another countries', (Australia) whale sanctuary and killing whales. It would be no different then if I came to your marine sanctuary, (aka your aquarium) - took all of your fish and killed them so that I could eat them. Japan speaks of honor. Where is the honor in killing another countries' wildlife? Where is honor in violently defying international law?

To those who support Japanese whaling by taking a neutral and ineffective stance towards it - I ask you watch the film The Cove. It isn't just whales they kill - they murder without resolve dolphins and other marine life as well.

To those who suggest that Japan sends gun boats to deal with Sea Shepherd. I suggest the U.S. sends a force of our navy telling Japan if they kill a whale then their entire fleet will be at the bottom of the ocean and that in this case we simply don't take prisoners or stoy aways!
To Patroklos I am confused. Have you not read the recent document leaked by Wiki Leaks. In this document Japan cites Sea Shepherd as a real threat to their commercial whaling program. This is two fold. First it proves Japan has a commercial whaling program. Second it shows that Sea Shepherd's tactics are a threat against it.

If you are the conservationist you say you are then embracing Sea Shepherd if a wise approach. Sadly I doubt in our lifetimes we will ever see the day that commercial fishing, commercial whaling and irresponsible whaling are banned. It is those very few that have a big voice that make even the most insignificant difference. Those are the people, whether we agree with them 100% or not, that we must stand behind.
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