seio 620 or 820


New member
Do you think a seio 620 would be enough flow in a 30 gallon tank or should i go with the 820. if the 820 is too much is there a way to turn it down.
I have a 620 in my 55 gallon and when I crank it up on high ( its adjustible ) my gorgonias and torches that are on the other end of mt tank have too much current. I have a 55 gallon 48 inch long tank. The 620 will be almost to big for your 30 gallon.

Fos a bare bottom sps tank you might want the bigger one but with a DSB use the smaller one.

Yes they are adjustible but to do this requires you to loosten the front round barrel then twist it so the intake vents are partially covered or open for full power. I have found this takes 2 hands and considerable force. It always requires me to reposition and re-aim the powerhead so its correct. I am a stictler for having the current just right in my tank. Ya know how fussy LPS corals can be about having their tenticles all blowing awry.

I disagree I guess it depend on what your keeping. I have two 1100 on a 75G with a DSB and I wish I went with the 1500. I may seem like a lot of current but it is gentle. I would got with a 820 or even 2 620.
Just bounce it off a wall pointed slightly towards the surface so you have plenty water movement but nothing gets blasted.