Setting up My 110


New member
Hey guys I recently purchased this tank from mjntwise and I am just now getting to the finishing stages of getting everything together. I have never setup a large tank ( currently a 40b with no sump) so im looking for info and options for plumbing and getting everything going.

current equipment list:

110g tank with dual corner overflows 60 x 18 x 26

trigger systems ruby 36 sump
euro reef skimmer with sedra ksp-9000 pump
jebao dc9000 return pump
2 rw-8
apex lite controller w/ph and temp (w/ wireless gaming adapter)
48" ati sunpower dimmable with ati bulbs
100lbs of caribsea fiji pink
70lbs of dryrock from reefrocks

also have a 5 stage brs rodi to setup

looking for any and all info i can get along with what i need to purchase (mostly plumbing i think)

Its kind of hard to get pics as the tank splits my kitchen and living room.
Looks like you have most things covered, would run herbie drain system, 1 main siphon w gate valve to sump and one emergency overflow pipe, per overflow, then run return over top of tank. Would invest in good ato, then think about dosing pump if 2 part dosing /kalk reactor/ or calcium reactor for maintaining levels.
I have a ato top off setup from forgot to put that in there. it was setup with 2 returns and 1 main drain and an emergency i think.
for safety, i would run each overflow box w siphon, and emergency , just in case, and take return over top, not as pretty, but less chance of flooding.
have another question now. someone is looking to trade the 48inch sunpower for a 48 inch maxspect razor 300w . what do you guys think?
U have an ati sunpower and someone wants to trade u for LEDs? I personally like the t5 better but others like the led better
So Matt the tank was already setup for herbie drain correct? There are 4 holes drilled in the bottom 2 return 1 main drain 1 emergency.
Yes....2 and 2...The short pipe was main drain and long one was emergency. Make sure you put a ball valve one the main drain so you can adjust the height of water in overflow.
very nice setup, looks like you have everything to get going. on my 180 with dual overflows, I setup the right side as main drain with emergency and the left overflow is my return with another drain, both have gate valves on them and are completely silent.
For the drains and returns is all hard regular pvc ok or should I use the pvc tubing. Is regular pvc glue ok? Will it drain properly with a 90 degree on the emergency overflow?