Sexing dwarf lions???

Mad Scientist

Premium Member
I'm currently setting up a 90gal FOLR. I plan on keeping dwarf lionfish. I was orignally thinking of keeping 1 fuzzy, 1 fu, and 1 zebra. Now, after reviewing Franks lionfish article (BTW I still can't get over that yellow lion) - I'm considering keeping a pair or 3 (1 male, 2 female) fuzzy lions istead. I was wondering how you sex fuzzy lionfish and how big they have to be before you can tell male and female? I would assume the males have a larger "head hump" and different fins?

Any tips? What what you guys do: one of each species, or 2 fuzzies?

Thanks I'd really appreciate any feedback. I'm pretty experinced with keeping lions, but I've never had more than one per tank.
Mike, M.Dandaneau, isn't on the board anymore but he use to breed Lion fish down in Florida. I would get in contact with him, I think he'll answer your email.
i have heard that it's the stripes on the pectoral fin, they females have i thoink around four and the males have more. I'm not sure how that works 100% though.
Yeah, i found it, it's actually in frank marini's acticle. Here is the quote from it.

"Adult male Dwarf fuzzy lions are readily identified by having a larger head, longer pectoral fins (the fin tips reach past the caudal peduncle), and have between 6 to 10 bands (or stripes) on their pectoral fins. Female Dwarf fuzzy lionfish have only 4 to 6 stripes."
I have a pic, i think mine is a male. but he had 6 stripes so i guess it could really go either way, but his fin tips reach past the caudal peduncle, so thats why i think male. I put 3 pics because with all of them you can see more how i think he's a male. In the 3rd pic you can see how his pectoral fins are really long.



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6922993#post6922993 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by VolitanLioness
Mad do you have a picture you can post of the fuzzy?



I don't have a fuzzy yet, still deciding......

This an old fuzzy that I had for years. I ending up giving him away so I could keep more inverts in the reef I was running at the time. (Bad move)

looks female in the bottom photo.
is that the same fish?

Females have defined wide bands and a small pec fin- doesn't reach their peduncle
thoes three pics are of the same fish, so you think it looks female?

Mad Scientist, the one you had was the normal brown colored one right? That yellow one is really cool that you were talking about, mine is the red which i think is realy pretty too, i only payed $22 for him :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6925999#post6925999 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cutiewitbooty
thoes three pics are of the same fish, so you think it looks female?

Mad Scientist, the one you had was the normal brown colored one right? That yellow one is really cool that you were talking about, mine is the red which i think is realy pretty too, i only payed $22 for him :D

Yup, mine was a typical brown. Cool fish though. The yellows are unreal.