Share your Guard Dogs


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
Do you have a pic of the fishe(s) that guard your polyps and your reef, keeping them free from any predators and algae? If so, take a moment and share a pic. I will be purchasing a few new ones soon myself and will share them when I find them.

Mucho Reef
Dammit, you beat me to this thread. I've been thinking of adding a thread like this for a while now. just don't have the time and hard to get my guys to stay still enough. Don't have a DSLR either to make them look a lot better. LOL.

Now I really got to spend time to get the to stay still.
I have a 6 line wrasse that keeps mine pretty clean, looking for something to help with the algae. Along for the ride.
i think this is the best pic i have of my yellow wrasse. i'm gonna hafta try and get some better ones
I have a 6 line that does not do anything lol I bought a green coris and the darn thing die 3 days later... :(
I've a target mandy as my guard dog. Not nearly as good of a guard dog as a wrasse IMO but still has alot of personality and my wife loves it. Believe it or not, it eats bloodworms but completely ignores mysis and cyclops. Go figure. It still keeps the pods at bay though. Bad picture:


I used to have a melanurus wrasse which made a great guard dog. Amazing colors on that fish and was always hunting and eating things out of the polyps. I wish i had a picture of it. I think wrasses of the genus Halichoeres and also Pseudocheilinus make the best guard dogs.

Shrimps can be guard dogs too. My peppermint shrimp not only eats aiptasia but also various worms and vermetid snails esp when the shrimp is young because its arms are small enough to stick down the tubes.
Here is a picture of one my guards. This is the male. Him and the female keep my zoas clean and clear of pests like bristleworms.

I dont have any wrasses (yet) but The closest thing to a guad dog of my zoas is my PJ cardinal.

I have had him (It) for months, and wont touch anything that I feed my tank, other than cycloseze (which is very rarely fed) and is healthy and happy. Its gotta be eating somthing other than pods. I have no refuge/sump or ather areas that food can be protected from predation. Pretty sure, at night, it eats whatever it can find in my tank.
blue mandarin is my guard against animal pests (isopods in particular are bad boys in my tank, and that mandy does a good job on them), but i definetly am intrested 2 see what people keep to remove ALGAE.
>When you mention algae, what kinda algae are you talking about.
Film, hair, byprosis, bubble etc....?

Byprosis is my pain these days. Tangs are a bit too large for my 65g, but i am considering geting a temporary resident if i can figure out what species is right for the job (have no problem returning it to the LFS any time). I am scared of foxes, as they are known zoo eaters, so totally reef safe options PLS.
Lettuce nudi's are what eat byprosis. Research it prior to buying but from what I've read all over. they are the natural predator of that algae species.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14918386#post14918386 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 650-IS350
Lettuce nudi's are what eat byprosis. Research it prior to buying but from what I've read all over. they are the natural predator of that algae species.