Share your Radion Graph!

Here's the lighting schedule / graph I'm using with 2 Radion XR30w Gen3 on a 125 G (72"x18"x22")reef. The reef has softies, LPS, and SPS corals. I'm seeing nice color and growth for the corals.

This is a 10 hour schedule at 90% intensity. Lights are 9" above the aquarium. Will soon be adding 1 Radion XR15w pro for the center.

2PM On 20K, UV-100%, RB-50%, B-25%,W-0%, GR-0% , HR-0%
4:00PM 20K, UV-100%, RB-70%, B-40%,W-0%, GR-9% , HR-24%
4:30PM 15.5K, UV-100%, RB-100%, B-100%,W-37%, GR-18% , HR-37%
5:00PM 15.5K, UV-100%, RB-100%, B-100%,W-50%, GR-18% , HR-37%
6:45PM 15.5K, UV-100%, RB-100%, B-100%,W-55%, GR-18% , HR-37%
8:30PM 15.5K, UV-100%, RB-100%, B-100%,W-50%, GR-18% , HR-37%
9:30PM 15.5K, UV-100%, RB-100%, B-100%,W-37%, GR-18% , HR-37%
10:00PM 20K, UV-100%, RB-70%, B-40%,W-0%, GR-10% , HR-24%
10:45PM 20K, UV-100%, RB-49%, B-24%,W-0%, GR-0% , HR-0%
12:00AM Off


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I'm still having a heck of a time dialing in intensity... I started at 20% and had mad color loss on radiant color... Then went to 45% and things got a little better, some a little worse... Wasn't sure which way to go, now I'm at 55% and some are showing better signs still. Everyone says the G3 Pros are so powerful. I can't tell if I'm bleaching or what?! Anemone looks faded... Green SLimer looks faded... Monti cap (orange) looks really faded.. Can't tell if it's bleached or not enough light.. .
My coral was bleaching like crazy. Until I dropped my intensity from 65% to 35%. Now I am getting great growth and the color is coming back. This is on a 70x30x30 with 4 gen2 pros
Figured ot what was bleaching my sps finally! It was radions white cree leds on my pros. whatever you program your lights and i dont think its the intensity so much as the white leds just cutting through like a laser beam and cooking the corals. im now running my program at 100% but with whites only going as high as 15%. Im seeing now more color, polyp extention, growth and no bleaching. only took me 3 years to finally figure this out ruling out all other problems i was facing with regards to parameters, calurpa toxins, a coral eating wrasse and phosphate issues from the salt make up water. The whites are too powerful even though i like a brightly lit tank ill sacrifice the white for everything else. i also wound up adding 400 watt 20K radium MH to give the corals the boost they need for more color and growth. if my tank wasnt 36 inches high and the lights at 12- 18 inches off the water line and i didn't have a whole sand bed of clams i may have not needed the MH but from what im seeing this is working nicely. Still love my radions and wouldnt give them up so quickly. Im glad i didnt sell my old MH's or give up on the radions. I think this could be the best of both worlds.
My coral was bleaching like crazy. Until I dropped my intensity from 65% to 35%. Now I am getting great growth and the color is coming back. This is on a 70x30x30 with 4 gen2 pros
I am in the same boat right now, I can't tell if I have too much light or not enough... I have a forest fire digi that is the coral closest to the top that is losing color badly, the green is all but gone and the polyps are turning pink! It's turning white but is still very much alive.

Figured ot what was bleaching my sps finally! It was radions white cree leds on my pros. whatever you program your lights and i dont think its the intensity so much as the white leds just cutting through like a laser beam and cooking the corals. im now running my program at 100% but with whites only going as high as 15%. Im seeing now more color, polyp extention, growth and no bleaching. only took me 3 years to finally figure this out ruling out all other problems i was facing with regards to parameters, calurpa toxins, a coral eating wrasse and phosphate issues from the salt make up water. The whites are too powerful even though i like a brightly lit tank ill sacrifice the white for everything else. i also wound up adding 400 watt 20K radium MH to give the corals the boost they need for more color and growth. if my tank wasnt 36 inches high and the lights at 12- 18 inches off the water line and i didn't have a whole sand bed of clams i may have not needed the MH but from what im seeing this is working nicely. Still love my radions and wouldnt give them up so quickly. Im glad i didnt sell my old MH's or give up on the radions. I think this could be the best of both worlds.

This is very interesting indeed. Do you mind sharing your graph?
Nycreef I would also like to see your graph. I'm still having problems as well dialing mine in. I love the radiant color template but the mid day is way to bright for me. I changed the top end point to 20k preset and at 65% I'm getting about 300 par at top of rocks at 12in off water line. I would love to find a realy deep blue template that is proven to get good growth.
My graph is simple. I changed it a few times till i got it right and if your running just radions this is what i did before i added the 400 Watt MH to the scene.
I started at noon with just deep bues for an hour
then what i did was go for 20K for another hour and every hour using a different spectrum all the way till 5K( 20k 18K 14K 12K 10K 7K 5K) then when i got home it would go to 20K cause thats what i like seeing personally.
and with all those spectrums i turned down the whites to 15% sometime 10%.
I figured an hour of every spectrum on my corals will hit a happy spot for each and any of them. It worked and i was happy with the results but wanted more light and higher growth so thats when i took my previous MH's out of storage and rigged them back up. On my graph you will notice a low point of deep blues at 5pm to 9pm, thats when my MH's kick in and give that punch. I would suggest tweaking my graph at those points to 20K with white down to 15% maximum.
You should all know that every tank is different in every way and what your keeping in it. Mine is mainly SPS, Clams on the sand bed along with lobos on the sand. Its a 36 inch high tank and lights are at 14-16 inches off the water line.
Parameters are as follows
Calcium 500
Alkalinity 8.4 - 8.6
Magnesium 1500
PH 8.2
PO4 .02
Nitrates .05
Salinity 1.026
Im not dosing anything but Alkalinity via doser and Kalk via stirrer on an ATO during the night hours and back to regular ATO with no kalk during day hours.
Feeding corals once a week for 3 hours with main pump off and only closed loop pump on for O2 to keep the fish oxygenated.
Hope this helps in whatever way you see fit to adhere it to your liking.
btw for some reason it tells me invalid file when i try to upload it.
Can someone recommend me a graph that is built specifically for color of growth not so much growth. I feel growth will come with the parameters are good in tank but i care more so about color then growth.

Also i have my mp40wes in short pulse mode anti-sync, is there a better mode i should go with?

My tank is 36x36x18, Center overflow with one mp40 on each side of the overflow, pushing water forward.

I went with a tweaked stock setting of radiant color,turned down the whites to 25%,my intensity is up to 80 with moon lights thru the night.I have a 60 cube with 2 mp10's (one on the back and one on the side)my tank is I'd say 90%sps and I too had the same problem as others with the whites bleaching my corals (my chalices suffered the most)I have the RMS holding the light from the back rim which gives my I think a foot off the waterline...either way I set up these settings 2 months back and Im seeing a dramatic difference in all the colors of my corals..I hope this helps if you need anymore information let me know ..I'll upload the graph if you want:)
Thanks reefer4evaa if you could used graph that would be greatly appreciated. I am mostly sps also and for the cash I have spent on some frags want them to color up how they should. Not bleached out with crazy growth.
I went with a tweaked stock setting of radiant color,turned down the whites to 25%,my intensity is up to 80 with moon lights thru the night.I have a 60 cube with 2 mp10's (one on the back and one on the side)my tank is I'd say 90%sps and I too had the same problem as others with the whites bleaching my corals (my chalices suffered the most)I have the RMS holding the light from the back rim which gives my I think a foot off the waterline...either way I set up these settings 2 months back and Im seeing a dramatic difference in all the colors of my corals..I hope this helps if you need anymore information let me know ..I'll upload the graph if you want:)

Good Morning:
That would be fantastic if you would upload your Graph. I also have a 60 Gallon cube with the XR30PROG2 Light rim mounted with the Eccotech Lighting Bracket. I also feel that my Whites are too Harsh and sure would like to get a copy of your Graph. Thanks! Bruce