Share your Radion Graph!

Sure, download my .etg schedule file that was posted above.

in your ESL portal page click on the schedule items dropdown in the upper right corner. Import schedule and overwrite the existing. I would export your existing schedule first in case you do not like my schedule. You can change the start day and start night once it is imported. I would also turn on the acclimate timer and set it for 2-3 weeks at 70%

Thank you so much i will give it a try. Currently i am only running High Growth program from default templates so no need to save current setting. In your opinion why your settings made your zoas respond well? This is just for my learning.
Hi all, I have spent quite a bit of time reading through this thread, and would like to see if anyone could give me some input into my new G3 Pros.
I only recently made the switch to the G3's from T5's. The tank is a Red Sea Max 500 which ran 10 54w T5's. I took the advice to acclimate the corals to the new lights, and have chosen the following schedule for the moment: (50% atm)

The tank at the present looks very different to when it had the T5's (in terms of brightness and colour mainly) Im note sure how one goes about comparing T5's with LED. I used to run the following schedule with T5's:
1x Actinic
1x 10,000K
5x Actinic
5x 10,000K
1x Actinic
1x 10,000K

With that set up I had excellent illumination, growth and colour. Im trying to work out what would be the best schedule for the G3's, and see what % i can eventually take the lights up to.

Here is a FTS with T5's from 3 days ago

I would appreciate advice or thoughts.

So I've been playing a bit with my profile as well. I'm getting decent color (albeit faded) on my raspberry lemonade which is at the top of my system, under Radion Gen2s. I have three over my 150G full SPS system. I originally tried the radiant color profile, but ended up modifying that "high noon" to 18k. So now it's 20k most of the morning, then at the high noon it's 18k, then back to 20k ramp down again. My fixtures are 9" above my water line, and I originally started with 100% intensity a while back but this morning dialed it back from 90% to 80%.

For anyone running a similar profile, and height as me, any experiences you can share with intensity? Every few weeks if I see improvement I plan on bringing intensity down a bit until I get to where I want it, and color is better. I also had a nutrient issue (too high nutrients, now too low) so I'm struggling to figure out whether intensity is too high\low or nutrients too low.

Anyone with a similar situation?
I am running similar K numbers to you, however my intensity is currently at 50% with Gen3s. I hope to get up to 60%. I'm 90% SPS.
I am running similar K numbers to you, however my intensity is currently at 50% with Gen3s. I hope to get up to 60%. I'm 90% SPS.

same height? I was at 90%, now 80%, so we'll see what things look like after a bit... curious to see if my problem is too much light or too little.... I should know relatively quickly.
Yes roughly nine to ten inches. Cannot remember as I'm not home. My height is based on manual with the lights. These are new for me.
Yes roughly nine to ten inches. Cannot remember as I'm not home. My height is based on manual with the lights. These are new for me.

I just went from 90% to 80% and haven't seen a huge difference yet, only been maybe 4-5 days though.
Thanks everyone for sharing your graphs! I like my Radion but honestly it's all a little over my head so this is a valuable resource for me.

I just changed my schedule to WDT TardFarmer's. I like the cooler blue it has (thanks WDT!!) over the high white-ness I had before. I was washing out everything, even if it did take the intensity of the lights with that mostly white look (which was weird since I used the preset "radiant color" setting but it was anything but 'radiant')

I do have one question - I know my lights were way too high because all my acros were bleaching or at the very least very faded, my zoas and such were fine, of course, but just looked washed out in the bright light. My question is - is there an issue with dropping light intensity too much at a time? My Radion was running on that Radient pre-set at 95%. WDT's is at 45%. I can bump it up but since everything was bleached or at least faded I thought I'd give his 45% a try. Is this way too drastic all at once or does that even matter?

I DO have a clam on the bottom of the tank (BioCube) and the light hangs about 7" above the water WITH the glass cover over the tank (it's an HQI instead of those plastic covered ones).

PS - didn't this thread used to be pinned?? And whether it was or not, can it be?

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honestly there's the built in function to make it 10k, 14k or 20k look. if you like it a little more bluer, leave it at 20k. I always put 4 hours of 10k during the hours I'm not at home. The remaining 6 hours or so is at 14k and 20k. Leds may not grow corals as fast but the colors do pop. also love my radions3 pro.
Alright its time I publish my graph. I have ran side by side 250w metal halide against my radions for 1 year and I have concluded the radion did a much better job with growth and color using this graph. I have helped many people on zeovit forums that struggled with the radion and coral coloration. I personally for the first year did not like the radions. I used them 3 years now. I felt that the pre set graphs are horrible and made me want to sell my fixture because the color just did not seem to be there. After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users. I would encourage ecotech to offer this schedule as a preset. radion graph.etg?dl=0

File can be downloaded here. You will need to set the proper intensity and acclimation for your tank depth. I recommend at 21" on a g3 pro to start at 35-40% and 4 week acclimate to 50-55%, Older models should start around 40-50% and work their way up to 60-65%. My radions are mounted 8" from the water surface. I use 3 over a 75 gallon 48" aquarium. g3 pro on the left side that now replaced the metal halide and keeps up with the 2 older models on the right, g1 and g2 over the right half. I added the extra to help with shadowing issues. The growth is insane under all 4 pucks. I hope any struggling ecotech users come across this and give it a shot. Note water quality is equally as important as lighting. I generally work with zeovit users that maintain a very low nutrient system that can enable maximum coral coloration. Upon switching to this schedule my corals improved in coloration over 6-9 months. They achieved a bright florescent color vs the traditional pastel look to many t5 zeovit tanks.
Alright its time I publish my graph. I have ran side by side 250w metal halide against my radions for 1 year and I have concluded the radion did a much better job with growth and color using this graph. I have helped many people on zeovit forums that struggled with the radion and coral coloration. I personally for the first year did not like the radions. I used them 3 years now. I felt that the pre set graphs are horrible and made me want to sell my fixture because the color just did not seem to be there. After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users. I would encourage ecotech to offer this schedule as a preset. radion graph.etg?dl=0

File can be downloaded here. You will need to set the proper intensity and acclimation for your tank depth. I recommend at 21" on a g3 pro to start at 35-40% and 4 week acclimate to 50-55%, Older models should start around 40-50% and work their way up to 60-65%. My radions are mounted 8" from the water surface. I use 3 over a 75 gallon 48" aquarium. g3 pro on the left side that now replaced the metal halide and keeps up with the 2 older models on the right, g1 and g2 over the right half. I added the extra to help with shadowing issues. The growth is insane under all 4 pucks. I hope any struggling ecotech users come across this and give it a shot. Note water quality is equally as important as lighting. I generally work with zeovit users that maintain a very low nutrient system that can enable maximum coral coloration. Upon switching to this schedule my corals improved in coloration over 6-9 months. They achieved a bright florescent color vs the traditional pastel look to many t5 zeovit tanks.

Someone really needs to make an EcoSmart to Apex Fusion file conversion.....
Alright its time I publish my graph. I have ran side by side 250w metal halide against my radions for 1 year and I have concluded the radion did a much better job with growth and color using this graph. I have helped many people on zeovit forums that struggled with the radion and coral coloration. I personally for the first year did not like the radions. I used them 3 years now. I felt that the pre set graphs are horrible and made me want to sell my fixture because the color just did not seem to be there. After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users. I would encourage ecotech to offer this schedule as a preset. radion graph.etg?dl=0

File can be downloaded here. You will need to set the proper intensity and acclimation for your tank depth. I recommend at 21" on a g3 pro to start at 35-40% and 4 week acclimate to 50-55%, Older models should start around 40-50% and work their way up to 60-65%. My radions are mounted 8" from the water surface. I use 3 over a 75 gallon 48" aquarium. g3 pro on the left side that now replaced the metal halide and keeps up with the 2 older models on the right, g1 and g2 over the right half. I added the extra to help with shadowing issues. The growth is insane under all 4 pucks. I hope any struggling ecotech users come across this and give it a shot. Note water quality is equally as important as lighting. I generally work with zeovit users that maintain a very low nutrient system that can enable maximum coral coloration. Upon switching to this schedule my corals improved in coloration over 6-9 months. They achieved a bright florescent color vs the traditional pastel look to many t5 zeovit tanks.
After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users.

Summarizing for G3.
You recommend final setting @50-55%. Mounted 8" from the water surface.

Can you share the schedule for Apex Fusion users? Not sure how you can show this ... but would be appreciated.

This setting is really blue and purple at times. , your corals like this? I mean my wife loves it but I'm used to more white most of he day.
This setting is really blue and purple at times. , your corals like this? I mean my wife loves it but I'm used to more white most of he day.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The schedule is a looonngg one too. I guess less intense light, spectrum specific, over the course of the day. I'll give it a whirl.