Anyone have any changes on he new program that was posted?
Ok so you are finding it a positive change. I thought some of my frags are looking better too
Hi all, I've been active in this thread for a while.. I have tried numerous tweaks etc... I had a lot of issues starting out... Majority of my SPS appeared to be bleaching/losing color. I was very frustrated and had so many problems dialing in these lights just right. I really enjoyed the radiant color ramp schedule and my personal taste enjoyed it as well. I tweaked it a little bit. Little bit less red, and green. Also the whites are turned down now (this helped a lot) I run my Radion at 80% now... I've been at 70 for the past two months with great success, but the extra 10% is helping even more now.
I get my frags from a LFS with a superior selection of coral which is under Radion G2 Pros...
I am sharing my graph for those interested. The download link is below. (attached)
Tank Specs:
93 Rimless Cube
Radion G3 Pro XR30W
Dimensions 30x30x24
Light is on RMS
I just downloaded and applied your profile to my 93Cube. Looks much better now. Although I only have a Xenia, GSP and small green leather for now. Hope your profile will still be good for my needs.
Summarizing for G3.
You recommend final setting @50-55%. Mounted 8" from the water surface.
Can you share the schedule for Apex Fusion users? Not sure how you can show this ... but would be appreciated.
Alright its time I publish my graph. I have ran side by side 250w metal halide against my radions for 1 year and I have concluded the radion did a much better job with growth and color using this graph. I have helped many people on zeovit forums that struggled with the radion and coral coloration. I personally for the first year did not like the radions. I used them 3 years now. I felt that the pre set graphs are horrible and made me want to sell my fixture because the color just did not seem to be there. After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users. I would encourage ecotech to offer this schedule as a preset. radion graph.etg?dl=0
File can be downloaded here. You will need to set the proper intensity and acclimation for your tank depth. I recommend at 21" on a g3 pro to start at 35-40% and 4 week acclimate to 50-55%, Older models should start around 40-50% and work their way up to 60-65%. My radions are mounted 8" from the water surface. I use 3 over a 75 gallon 48" aquarium. g3 pro on the left side that now replaced the metal halide and keeps up with the 2 older models on the right, g1 and g2 over the right half. I added the extra to help with shadowing issues. The growth is insane under all 4 pucks. I hope any struggling ecotech users come across this and give it a shot. Note water quality is equally as important as lighting. I generally work with zeovit users that maintain a very low nutrient system that can enable maximum coral coloration. Upon switching to this schedule my corals improved in coloration over 6-9 months. They achieved a bright florescent color vs the traditional pastel look to many t5 zeovit tanks.
You don't need a program. If it doesn't work, the link is broken, expired, or Dropbox is down.cant download nothing from drop box either. don't no what program I need to open it.
Good luck James. They were of no help when I contacted their tech support on recommendations for my 120. It was disappointing to say the least after forking over so much $$$
Hi Ecotech! Old reefer back into the hobby, and just learning about the new developments in technology and marine biology.
I am planning on getting the JBJ RL-45 to start off, which is 26.5" x 21" x 19" tall.
What lighting would you recommend? I am looking at the XR30w PRO Gen3, but if the smaller XR15 Pro would work well with SPS and without shadows, I would like to save the money to buy one of your Vortechs, the MP10wQD.
Is this the right thread to contact Ecotech Marine? Sorry; a bit illiterate in the "ways of the forum"
Good luck James. They were of no help when I contacted their tech support on recommendations for my 120. It was disappointing to say the least after forking over so much $$$
I been running his program since the day he posted far as negative changes NO..but it's only been about a week and I'm seeing more vibrant colors in everything (and I have a mixed reef with alot of sps)the intensity I have up to about 50% but the last graph I had was about the same intensity
Hi Ecotech! Old reefer back into the hobby, and just learning about the new developments in technology and marine biology.
I am planning on getting the JBJ RL-45 to start off, which is 26.5" x 21" x 19" tall.
What lighting would you recommend? I am looking at the XR30w PRO Gen3, but if the smaller XR15 Pro would work well with SPS and without shadows, I would like to save the money to buy one of your Vortechs, the MP10wQD.
Is this the right thread to contact Ecotech Marine? Sorry; a bit illiterate in the "ways of the forum"
The XR15w Pro is designed to light an area up to 24 x 24 inches. Since you plan on keeping mostly SPS, a single XR15w Pro should be fine but you may want to consider using 2 XR15w would be best for that aquarium.