Share your Radion Graph!

I mean, I'm ok with it if the guy said he's got good results. The extremes law different things pop so it's fun.
Anyone have any changes on he new program that was posted?

I been running his program since the day he posted far as negative changes NO..but it's only been about a week and I'm seeing more vibrant colors in everything (and I have a mixed reef with alot of sps)the intensity I have up to about 50% but the last graph I had was about the same intensity
Hi all, I've been active in this thread for a while.. I have tried numerous tweaks etc... I had a lot of issues starting out... Majority of my SPS appeared to be bleaching/losing color. I was very frustrated and had so many problems dialing in these lights just right. I really enjoyed the radiant color ramp schedule and my personal taste enjoyed it as well. I tweaked it a little bit. Little bit less red, and green. Also the whites are turned down now (this helped a lot) I run my Radion at 80% now... I've been at 70 for the past two months with great success, but the extra 10% is helping even more now.

I get my frags from a LFS with a superior selection of coral which is under Radion G2 Pros...

I am sharing my graph for those interested. The download link is below. (attached)

Tank Specs:
93 Rimless Cube
Radion G3 Pro XR30W
Dimensions 30x30x24
Light is on RMS

I just downloaded and applied your profile to my 93Cube. Looks much better now. Although I only have a Xenia, GSP and small green leather for now. Hope your profile will still be good for my needs.
Summarizing for G3.

You recommend final setting @50-55%. Mounted 8" from the water surface.

Can you share the schedule for Apex Fusion users? Not sure how you can show this ... but would be appreciated.


Anybody share this graph?
Alright its time I publish my graph. I have ran side by side 250w metal halide against my radions for 1 year and I have concluded the radion did a much better job with growth and color using this graph. I have helped many people on zeovit forums that struggled with the radion and coral coloration. I personally for the first year did not like the radions. I used them 3 years now. I felt that the pre set graphs are horrible and made me want to sell my fixture because the color just did not seem to be there. After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users. I would encourage ecotech to offer this schedule as a preset. radion graph.etg?dl=0

File can be downloaded here. You will need to set the proper intensity and acclimation for your tank depth. I recommend at 21" on a g3 pro to start at 35-40% and 4 week acclimate to 50-55%, Older models should start around 40-50% and work their way up to 60-65%. My radions are mounted 8" from the water surface. I use 3 over a 75 gallon 48" aquarium. g3 pro on the left side that now replaced the metal halide and keeps up with the 2 older models on the right, g1 and g2 over the right half. I added the extra to help with shadowing issues. The growth is insane under all 4 pucks. I hope any struggling ecotech users come across this and give it a shot. Note water quality is equally as important as lighting. I generally work with zeovit users that maintain a very low nutrient system that can enable maximum coral coloration. Upon switching to this schedule my corals improved in coloration over 6-9 months. They achieved a bright florescent color vs the traditional pastel look to many t5 zeovit tanks.

Would love to try this but cannot download or upload the file.
Hi Ecotech! Old reefer back into the hobby, and just learning about the new developments in technology and marine biology.


I am planning on getting the JBJ RL-45 to start off, which is 26.5" x 21" x 19" tall.

What lighting would you recommend? I am looking at the XR30w PRO Gen3, but if the smaller XR15 Pro would work well with SPS and without shadows, I would like to save the money to buy one of your Vortechs, the MP10wQD.

Is this the right thread to contact Ecotech Marine? Sorry; a bit illiterate in the "ways of the forum"
Good luck James. They were of no help when I contacted their tech support on recommendations for my 120. It was disappointing to say the least after forking over so much $$$
Good luck James. They were of no help when I contacted their tech support on recommendations for my 120. It was disappointing to say the least after forking over so much $$$

That stinks, bad customer service always is a huge drawback.

AquaIllunimation is pretty good- they replaced a Nano with a Prime after a year when it stopped working. Ill have to consider a few Hydra 52 (Euro Spec'd) over the Radion if they really are that bad
Hi Ecotech! Old reefer back into the hobby, and just learning about the new developments in technology and marine biology.


I am planning on getting the JBJ RL-45 to start off, which is 26.5" x 21" x 19" tall.

What lighting would you recommend? I am looking at the XR30w PRO Gen3, but if the smaller XR15 Pro would work well with SPS and without shadows, I would like to save the money to buy one of your Vortechs, the MP10wQD.

Is this the right thread to contact Ecotech Marine? Sorry; a bit illiterate in the "ways of the forum"


The XR15w Pro is designed to light an area up to 24 x 24 inches. Since you plan on keeping mostly SPS, a single XR15w Pro should be fine but you may want to consider using 2 XR15w would be best for that aquarium.
Good luck James. They were of no help when I contacted their tech support on recommendations for my 120. It was disappointing to say the least after forking over so much $$$


Can you tell me more about the situation? If you were looking for recommendations on schedule and intensity we do tend to shy away from giving advice because each aquarium varies so greatly from one another. That said, I would recommend contacting me directly to discuss this further. Attn: Alex
I been running his program since the day he posted far as negative changes NO..but it's only been about a week and I'm seeing more vibrant colors in everything (and I have a mixed reef with alot of sps)the intensity I have up to about 50% but the last graph I had was about the same intensity

I'm getting fading of colors at the 55% in my small 20g tank. I think I need to cut it back to 25%? What do you guys think?

And as far as having eco tech tell you exactly how to program your light for your aquarium, are you serious? Come on people, there are so many different factors in that equation there is no way they can do that, it's impossible. That's not a reflection of their customer service.
Hi Ecotech! Old reefer back into the hobby, and just learning about the new developments in technology and marine biology.


I am planning on getting the JBJ RL-45 to start off, which is 26.5" x 21" x 19" tall.

What lighting would you recommend? I am looking at the XR30w PRO Gen3, but if the smaller XR15 Pro would work well with SPS and without shadows, I would like to save the money to buy one of your Vortechs, the MP10wQD.

Is this the right thread to contact Ecotech Marine? Sorry; a bit illiterate in the "ways of the forum"

If you read the product specs of the 15 and it says it is ok for a two foot spread then wouldn't you it would be ok? Probably would have less light in those egdes with the 26" but hate simple math.
The XR15w Pro is designed to light an area up to 24 x 24 inches. Since you plan on keeping mostly SPS, a single XR15w Pro should be fine but you may want to consider using 2 XR15w would be best for that aquarium.

That or a XR30w Pro? I think its cheaper for the XR30 than two XR15s