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I've stopped using MRJs schedule. I noticed an increase in algae growth. Perhaps something to do with the large amounts of red light? And it's a very long schedule too. Around 16 hours from memory.

I've gone back to my old one that is more blue and around 12 hours long.

+1 I am starting with an algae bloom as well. I think the same as you, to much red and green, and to long of a schedule.
i ran his schedule for 3 weeks, at 40% my overflow was starting to have some red algae in it, switched to johns with it modified quite a bit. we shall see how it goes
Saw some of the comments on SPS. My tank is SPS wall to wall (frags but going well) and I run my G2 Pros at 65% 12" off the water. Most SPS are on the middle or bottom half of a 19" deep tank. I recently backed off my intensity because I added an additional fixture and some T5. Slowly ramping back up every few weeks. SPS are very happy :D
radion g3

radion g3

Hi... I have radion g3 pro. My tank dimension is 100 X 40 X 45 cm. (45 cm is high) I have sps reef - acropora, some lps. My question is how big intensity is ideal for my tank And how far Light from water level for optimal par.
I updated my graph for my Radion Gen1 with wide Lens. Someone can review it for me. I reduce the light period but I concentrate and regulate spectral light for afternoon.

Light spec detail


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    Capture d’écran 2015-06-25 à 00.42.36.jpg
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Hi, I just recently purchased a XR30W G3 PRO, my tank is 60X60X55 cm, from water surface about 13-15 centimeters, the whole cylinder SPS, how do I set the time and the light shining a light source for each channel, THX so much.
Would love to hear a critique of my graph. I have one Gen2 with wide angle lenses over my 30 gallon (24"x24"x10"). I have struggled between brownout and bleaching and I think I may be a little too intense right now. Trying to get SPS going predictably in this tank :)

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Would love to hear a critique of my graph. I have one Gen2 with wide angle lenses over my 30 gallon (24"x24"x10"). I have struggled between brownout and bleaching and I think I may be a little too intense right now. Trying to get SPS going predictably in this tank :)

I'm assuming you're talking about your SPS corals? If so, that graph is not too intense for your corals. I would look at your parameters, most importantly your ALK. Keep your alk between 7 and 9 and everything else will fall in place with regular water changes. Are you dosing anything like aminos, 2 part, mag, other trace elements?
You could cut back on the time though. Go from 6am to 6pm.
I'm assuming you're talking about your SPS corals? If so, that graph is not too intense for your corals. I would look at your parameters, most importantly your ALK. Keep your alk between 7 and 9 and everything else will fall in place with regular water changes. Are you dosing anything like aminos, 2 part, mag, other trace elements?
You could cut back on the time though. Go from 6am to 6pm.
Calc, Mag, and Alk are all in check. I was debating shortening the photoperiod but unfortunately the tail ends are the only time I get to look at the tank and feed. I did test Par values a while back and made a spreadsheet and it was amazing how much they varied around the tank.
Calc, Mag, and Alk are all in check. I was debating shortening the photoperiod but unfortunately the tail ends are the only time I get to look at the tank and feed. I did test Par values a while back and made a spreadsheet and it was amazing how much they varied around the tank.
There is a lot more then just Calc, mag, and alc. If you have bleaching, it's not from your lights. I run my 2 gen 3s at 90% along with four 54 watt T5s from 11am to 11pm and my corals rip. I get about an inch growth every quarter from every sps in my tank. They all have brought colors that I have never seen in any other tank. I attribute the success to high water quality far and above my lighting. I dose tropic marin 3 part balling method, red Sea reef energy at the highest dosage, and I spot feed reef roids powder and coal frenzy pellets 3 times a week. Here are some pics. Tank is 60x24x18 shallow reef with lights 10" above water line. Trust me, your lights are not bleaching your corals with that schedule.
There is a lot more then just Calc, mag, and alc. If you have bleaching, it's not from your lights. I run my 2 gen 3s at 90% along with four 54 watt T5s from 11am to 11pm and my corals rip. I get about an inch growth every quarter from every sps in my tank. They all have brought colors that I have never seen in any other tank. I attribute the success to high water quality far and above my lighting. I dose tropic marin 3 part balling method, red Sea reef energy at the highest dosage, and I spot feed reef roids powder and coal frenzy pellets 3 times a week. Here are some pics. Tank is 60x24x18 shallow reef with lights 10" above water line. Trust me, your lights are not bleaching your corals with that schedule.
Are you using presets or you costumized?
I use the presets. I've ran the same program for about a year and I added the four 54 watt T5's about 5 months ago. The T5's run from 11am to 6PM. I use Apex Fusion w/ WXM module. Here is my graph.
I'm using same set up except my high setting tops out at 75% at 12K to get some more whites.
There is a lot more then just Calc, mag, and alc. If you have bleaching, it's not from your lights. I run my 2 gen 3s at 90% along with four 54 watt T5s from 11am to 11pm and my corals rip. I get about an inch growth every quarter from every sps in my tank. They all have brought colors that I have never seen in any other tank. I attribute the success to high water quality far and above my lighting. I dose tropic marin 3 part balling method, red Sea reef energy at the highest dosage, and I spot feed reef roids powder and coal frenzy pellets 3 times a week. Here are some pics. Tank is 60x24x18 shallow reef with lights 10" above water line. Trust me, your lights are not bleaching your corals with that schedule.
Oh I couldn't agree more. I've just gone back and forth playing with intensity over the last two years with this tank and I've never been able to hit a sweet spot. I haven't been able to pin down anything significant as far as a water quality issue so my underlying thought has always been that my schedule may be off some. Tank is looking great btw!
Alright its time I publish my graph. I have ran side by side 250w metal halide against my radions for 1 year and I have concluded the radion did a much better job with growth and color using this graph. I have helped many people on zeovit forums that struggled with the radion and coral coloration. I personally for the first year did not like the radions. I used them 3 years now. I felt that the pre set graphs are horrible and made me want to sell my fixture because the color just did not seem to be there. After some tweaking I have made a schedule that closely mimics t5 lighting and has show outstanding color in my system as well as a few other zeovit users. I would encourage ecotech to offer this schedule as a preset. radion graph.etg?dl=0

File can be downloaded here. You will need to set the proper intensity and acclimation for your tank depth. I recommend at 21" on a g3 pro to start at 35-40% and 4 week acclimate to 50-55%, Older models should start around 40-50% and work their way up to 60-65%. My radions are mounted 8" from the water surface. I use 3 over a 75 gallon 48" aquarium. g3 pro on the left side that now replaced the metal halide and keeps up with the 2 older models on the right, g1 and g2 over the right half. I added the extra to help with shadowing issues. The growth is insane under all 4 pucks. I hope any struggling ecotech users come across this and give it a shot. Note water quality is equally as important as lighting. I generally work with zeovit users that maintain a very low nutrient system that can enable maximum coral coloration. Upon switching to this schedule my corals improved in coloration over 6-9 months. They achieved a bright florescent color vs the traditional pastel look to many t5 zeovit tanks.

Anyone had any other experiences with this graph?
Ive got the same light. The radio xr30w pro gen 3.
New to the whole thing so looking for the right light setup to get me going.
When i get into them and understand them a bit more i will have a go at a setup of my own.